The VR Orky is so OP right now lol. No fleet supply and yet it's basically a titan that can wipe the floor with everything in sight. In my most recent game, my endgame primary fleet consisted of..
1x Jarassul
1x Skirantra
1x Vulkoras
15x Flak
20x Overseers
15x LC
1x Kultorask (maxed NL, level 1 NR, level 2 GP, and maxed D)
1x Orkulus (2x weapons, 3x hull, 2x DV, 1x squadrons)
Between the Skirantra, Overseers, and the Kultorask my fleet was more or less immortal allowing my titan to annihilate enemy fleets with the NL+GP+D combo. As if all that wasn't enough, my Orky could easily wipe out enemy capitals. For titans, just focus fire alongside bomber spam. Everything dies.
Because the Orky spits out uniform damage in all directions, just fly into the middle of the enemy fleet and watch the carnage.
Orkies have always been great on offense, but at least they'd start off weak. Now, you can bring in what is effectively a titan without any problems. It really should be made a module.