... this post was meant as a complaint of why SB mobilization is stupid OP. If I send 3 fully upgraded SB into your planets. My intention is obviously to finish you off. Not giving you the chance to rebuild and lvl up your titan. And don't tell me you are gonna split up your fleet to deal with my SB simultaneously. It's impossible. If you played the multiplayer mode, the rush is extremely fast. 5-10 mins in the game. You won't have enough fleet to deal with it. Long before you can build a titan.
Off topic: Vasari rebel titan is, of course, extremely valuable. It's the best titan of all factions, IMHO, most importantly because it drains ANTIMATTER. A titan without antimatter is not hard to take down. But this one drains hull, disable ships and practically never out of antimatter. So yeah, I don't care if the Vasari loyalist have the coolest titan or not, vasari rebel has the best titan PERIOD.
Alright, let's have some actual facts here.
First, the Orky phase jump upgrade is a tier 5 military upgrade, so before you can do any of that, you need to build 5 military labs.
68 seconds each, 5 of them, 5 minutes 50 seconds in game and you havent even BEGUN to build your first base, let alone three.
Once that's done, you have to upgrade the phase jump upgrade itself, another 173 seconds.
You are now 8 minutes 43 seconds into the game and you still have not even begun your first star base.
Now it's done, you can, or already have, built your star bases while the upgrade was going. All three of them? I doubt, you've just sunk your entire economy into this project, and you still have to physically FLY the damn things across the map to find and destroy your enemy. Remember, you've only got one minute seventeen seconds to do that to achieve that 5-10 minute rush you talked about. BUT HEY, let's go over the costs of this.
Five military labs, 750 / 60 / 80 each for a total of 3750 credits, 300 metal, 400 crystal.
Then the upgrade for the Orky, 600 / 50 / 100, your total is now at 4350 creds, 350 met, 500 crys
Then the upgrade for the Orky phase jump, 1200 / 200 / 325, total is now 5550 creds, 550 met, 525 crys
Then you have to pay for the three migrators to be turned into bases, 425 / 140 / 50 each, for 1674 / 420 / 150 for the three, your total is now at 7174 creds, 970 met, 675 crys.
Oh but you're not even half done, now you have to pay for the three star bases themsevles to be constructed, at a hefty 2575 / 310 / 325 each, 7725 / 930 / 975 for all three, your total has rocketed to 14 899 creds, 1900 met, 1650 crys.
But let's not forget you're also spending elsewhere, of course, you need ships to colonize, scouts for intel, money to fund colonies, and hey, with all this money going into a star base rush, your economy and military is in the shitter.
Now with all this time and money, your opponent could have three capships and a massive fleet to back them.
They might even be in orbit around your homeworld because you, having spent all your money on star bases, had no defense early enough.