Yes, the game crashes on me, sometimes its the out of blue without any reason crash, with that C++ error, with nothing basically happening on the screen. But it crashes lot of time right into desktop, and the common denominator in such situation are major battles happening. The game becomes choppy and as i zoom in and out - BANG - i am on desktop.
Yesterday this happened to me again, was attacking enemy Advent starbase with my Vasari fleet - Titan, five capitals and about 40 smaller ships. Luckily, i saved the game before doing phasejump to that planet, so i loaded, proceeded with the same actions, and again, as i was zooming on my ships firing at the starbase, skirantras started to heal and it crashed again...
So, for the first time, i decided to lower my settings - usually i play 1920x1200, everything highest detail, umaskable AA + 2xAF. So I put everything to medium. And surprise, surprise - the same battle again - no crash this time. Now i am going to try the same save several more times on both higher and lower settings, to see, if this was not just coincidence, respectively if there is any pattern, but if there indeed is, as it seems, what the f should i be doing?
The thing is, i REFUSE to play on lower details, because my GPU is GTX590. I admit i play only with one GPU on, i am not sure whether Sins supports Multi-GPU anyway, but even one gpu of that power should be enough for the game, its not Battlefield 3 ffs, What is the issue anyway? Lack of videoRAM? Are the textures copied into those 2GB of system RAM, so may it be issue with the fact its 32 bit? Does anyone else have such crashes during heated battles on max settings?