Quoting Mr_Book, reply 5I expected a response early explaining why I am not helping enough to fix a game that I paid for. I am the customer. I do not get paid to develop this game. As the customer, if they do not develop a game that works I'll just take my money somewhere else next time they come out with a product.
If they want to experience and record a minidump to see what's going on they can just start up their own game, get on ICO and try to play a game. If they make it through one without a minidump it would be a miracle, and if that happens they can try again. It won't take long.
Fix your product, Stardock, or us paying customers will become someone else's paying customers. I think SoaSE is a great game both in concept and in execution, but if bugs make it unplayable online it gets boring very quickly.
Well then do your complaining after the official release. You don't have to join the BETA! if you don't want to deal with mini-dumps.
Hmm didnt we play to participate or something?
And isnt the release date set next week?
If i didnt know that i would think ista early beta , very early.
But u know what? this on is 4 years old!!!
Sometimes i think they want to get rid of us , and treat MP like a torn in da ass.
MR.Book if u will keep waiting for responce u will look like your avatar