You can now use an ability/buff combo to cause a planet to be stripped to the core (destroyed).
Whoa! Fantastic!
I request that ApplyBuffToTargetsAtAdjacentOrbitBodies be applicable to adjacent bodies regardless of if they are discovered/scouted or not. If this is done, it would allow for neat buff chains, such as galaxy-wide random events and abilities. Also, is the research modifier ApplyBuffToAllOwnedShipsWhenOwnedPlanetFalls fixable? Currently it applies whenever any player colonized planet falls, rather than an owned planet.
Both of these are now fixed. I'm looking into the buff for ruining a planet.
This is a huge thing for me as well! Really looking forward to 1.83 or whatever version number it is.
I don't know how much we can get away with asking here, but if we are going to make this a modding wishlist, I have some suggestions below. Though they aren't as important as what has already been discussed.
If that's off the table, perhaps you could do some research for us on what you can do with the Galaxy Forge 4 triggers? To be honest, we don't know as much as we should about the capabilities of the new galaxy forge. We only recently figured out how to add resource asteroids to a planet beyond what is defined in the entity file for example.
I've heard some mod teams have been experimenting with things like getting win/lose map conditions to work, since a few actions seems to be available in the "Trigger Properties" drop down. However, I'm sure we'd all like to know more about what actions and conditions are available, if they are operable at all. And perhaps more importantly, what the syntax for the .galaxy file is, since I wouldn't be surprised if the engine supports more features than what the Galaxy Forge shows. I realize Stardock might have done most of the work on this, but I don't think they know either. 
Modding Wishlist
- A HasBuff target filter. We were excited when we got a "HasBuff" aiUseTargetCondition; however, I believe it is still possible for players to manually cast an ability on a target without the buff. So it is still not really feasible to make an ability which can only be used if the target has Buff X, which would be incredible useful. Further, a target filter would give us this sort of flexibility in buffs as well as abilities.
- An entity modifier for strikecraft construction time. Or simply update the ShipBuildTime modifier to affect fighter build times on non-planet entities. It would be nice to have something other than giving instant fighter build time or disabling fighter launch.
- A "Grant Experience" instant action.
- Let us define the fleet supply and capital crew requirements in useCostType "ResourcesAndMustHaveCapitalCrew". This ability useCostType is currently hard coded to require 50 fleet supply and 1 command point. This is obviously fine for spawning vanilla capitalships, however, some of us modders have capitalships that use different amounts of fleet supply. In addition, some of us actually use abilities to spawn titans (which need two command points), so being able to specify the required amount of capital crew points required would be a nice extra.
Looking forward to seeing more of Ironclad around again, whatever your future plans are.