I would like to ask for some tweaks as well
Could we have increased quantity of "NumResearchPrerequisites" allowed (just 2 for now) ?
Could we have techs that able to block other techs ?
Could we have more tiers than 8 ?
Could we have a modifier to adjust player ship speed via research?
It would also be very convenient to have a list of Planet Module roles in "PlanetModule*" entityType, as we have for frigates. It would allow player to have one building for Extractors & grants possibility to construct all ship types in one factory.
Could all strike craft be docked while no enemy items within a gravity well (i think, it would greatly improve performance)? But if it is too complicated, could we have a finish condition, that removes a buff when enemy presents in a gravity well?
finishConditionType "EnemyWithinGravityWell"
finishConditionType "TimeElapsed"
Level:0 300.000000
Level:1 0.000000
Level:2 0.000000
Level:3 0.000000
also, an old bug:
"ResearchCostAdjustment" is displayed contrariwise.
modifierType "ResearchCostAdjustment"
baseValue 0.000000
perLevelValue 0.300000
It is displayed as if it reduces the cost (green color), but actually it increases the cost.