This Mod isn't dead yet, I've just struggled to put the time in due to family etc....
I've managed to put some work into it over the past month.
I decided to try and learn how to texture myself rather than rely on SZO. He did provide an excellent example of his work, which was greatly appreciated, but I couldn't bring myself myself to rely on someone else for textures. Plus, there are a lot of texture files! I couldn't put all that workload on someone else.
Some changes have taken place:
I've taken a lot more inspiration from the game Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. I've put a lot of work into bringing the Gorg into play. They replace the Pirates and are pretty tough.
They have their own abilities, planets, structures, Battleships/Cruisers/Destroyers, and Space Stations.
A Gorg BattleShip with Gorg Fighters at the Front
The Galaxy map has been changed radically. There are now two very distinct Galaxies.
The Milky Way: Contains the Humans and the Gorg.
Andromeda Galaxy: Contains the Swarm, linked to the Milky Way by a worm hole. This means that the Swarm are encountered much later in the game.
An effort has been made to try and make the Galaxy map as realistic as possible, with actual Star names and placement. Game play has been kept in mind, strategy and tactics are now more important than ever.
Star Systems are now unique. Stars can now be colonized (with the right research). Star systems contain interesting discoveries, including new Alien species, new planets and new Stars.
The Milky Way Galaxy (still very much a work in progress)

As I previously stated a lot of work has gone into learning how to texture and updating the existing models.
A United Earth Battleship with the International Space Station and Earth in the background.

A United Earth Carrier, Fighters/Bombers now play a greater role in combat.

A United Earth Support Ship, this ship adds very valuable abilities to a fleet.

A Swarm Queen.

A considerable effort has been made to make the Humans and the Swarm very different. I've given them "Race Attributes", these are free instantly research items that define each race, such as hyperspace speed, the ability to colonize certain planets/stars.
This is also reflected in the structures and abilities available to each race. The Swarm have a focus on being a collective mind, they are slow to expand to new worlds but once a world is colonized they develop it very quickly and can move extremely fast between owned worlds.Their ships are born quickly, are cheap, but not very tough. While the Humans are slow but determined. They rely heavily on technological advances to expand. Their ships are expensive, slow to build, but heavily armoured and boast a fierce array of weaponry.
Let me know what you think?