I must say that the Ragnarov is a bit more powerfull then any other titan (just counting base stats)
Here are a list up of the Titan stats
Ragnarov |
Hull: |
4530 |
Armor: |
8 |
Shields: |
1815 |
Antimatter: |
275 |
Average Gauss Damage: |
85 |
Average Flak Damage: |
9 |
Average Rail Gun Damage: |
98 |
Average Autocannon Damage: |
49 |
Planet Bombing Damage: |
Ankylon |
Hull: |
5400 |
Armor: |
11 |
Shields: |
2250 |
Antimatter: |
275 |
Average Laser Damage: |
42 |
Average Flak Damage: |
9 |
Average Beam Damage: |
36 |
Average Missile Damage: |
24 |
Planet Bombing Damage: |
90 |
Coronata Titan |
Hull: |
3622 |
Armor: |
8 |
Shields: |
2805 |
Antimatter: |
320 |
Average Beam Damage: |
45 |
Average Plasma Damage: |
23 |
Average Laser Damage: |
14 |
Average Point Defense Damage: |
17 |
Planet Bombing Damage: |
43 |
Eradica |
Hull: |
3564 |
Armor: |
10 |
Shields: |
2835 |
Antimatter: |
320 |
Average Beam Damage: |
57 |
Average Point Defense Damage: |
17 |
Average Psionic Surge Damage: |
25 |
Average Plasma Damage: |
21 |
Planet Bombing Damage: |
90 |
Vorastra |
Hull: |
4802 |
Armor: |
9 |
Shields: |
2567 |
Antimatter: |
285 |
Average Pulse Gun Damage: |
47 |
Average Pulse Beam Damage: |
25 |
Average Pulse Wave Damage: |
14 |
Average Phase Cannon Damage: |
19 |
Planet Bombing Damage: |
90 |
Kultorask |
Hull: |
4597 |
Armor: |
9 |
Shields: |
2438 |
Antimatter: |
285 |
Average Phase Missile Damage: |
12 |
Average Pulse Wave Damage: |
22 |
Average Point Defense Damage: |
22 |
Average Pulse Beam Damage: |
37 |
Planet Bombing Damage: |
90 |
Just by comparing those stats u can see that it has a significant advantage in dmg output.
Sure it might have weaker hull / Shields but since it will take out most capital ships (no mather the level)
in 2-4 rounds if its main weapons (about 20-40sec).
So it takes much less dmg in the long run.
For example i played SP earlier today and had a TEC Loyalist Fleet of 4 capital ships 1 level 4 Ankylon Titan and 14-18 frigate/corvette sized ships.
That fleet came up againt a Tec Rebell force of a level 4 Ragnarov and 5-6 Cruisers and frigates.
my Fleet was a good part larger and ontop of that i had a upgraded starbase also fireing in.
So i was thinking that it should not be too hard... but boy was i wrong.
In the first 20 sec i loose my level 7 Dunov Battlecruiser to the ragnarov and my level 5 Kol joins it 30 sec later.
After that i pull back my last 2 capital ships not wanting to loose them too (a level 6 Akkan Battlecruiser and a level 4 Sova Carrier) the time it takes for them to get out of range my Akkan is down to 12% hp and is taken out soon after by the ragnarovs bomber squadron.
So in just a small while i have lost 3 of my 4 capital ships and 2 of those ive had from the start of the game.
I manage to kill off his smaller ships but looses most of my own in the process and after that the fight ends up being the Ragnarov vs my Titan my Starbase and bomber squadrons from my sova.
The Ragnarov finally goes down but not before taking the Starbase with it and damaging my Titan.
I was Amazed and angry... 1 single titan (that costs just the same as all the others) should not be able to do THAT much dmg atleast not when comming up against an enemy fleet also using a Titan.
Against any other titan in the same setup i would have had a safe enough win with no more then 1-2 capitals lost max.