7 Deadly Sins Militia Mini Mod : Rebellion 1.1
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This is not 7DS 2.5 for Rebellion, it's just something fun for the community and shows off what can be done with modifications to the GalaxyScenarioDef file. 7DS for Rebellion will be 3.0 and Makon and Scratch are working on it. Dan's put his seal of approval on this. Kick some butt.
NEW UPDATE for Reb 1.1
Tech Loyalist Titan now using experimental phase missiles that gain shield negation with high tier research.
KOL Gauss Blast affects hull only.
Range of static guns increased 125%.
Two fun additions for Rebellion while we finish out 2.5 for Entrenchment and prepare everything for Rebellion. Mods don't stack. Maps, whether made in GalaxyForge or MapDesigner, will have either racial militia present. All templates in the galaxyscenariodef file altered so the militias are advent and vasari -respective of the mod you download.
Advent Militia
- Credit/metal/crystal name changes, which will be part of 7DS 2.5 Final for Entrenchment
- Default militia are Advent, Occupation Planet has Advent Rebel
- Pirate Base has a battleship and no mines
- all militia use 7DS Unity names
- Starbases have greater range (+4k) and mobility in gravity-well
- Stardock didn't fix the Psi maxed out starbase mesh -it's missing some hardpoints : we fixed it.
- Normal Start: 2 metal, 1 crystal, 2 non-combat, 1 combat, 3 scout, 4-5 light, 1 colony frig
- Quick Start: 2 metal, 1 crystal, 2 non-combat, 1 combat, 3 scout, 4-5 light, 1 colony frig, 1 battleship, 1 heavy, 1 long range
- Labs use 2 slots for earlier tech potential.
Vasari Militia
- Credit/metal/crystal name changes, which will be part of 7DS 2.5 Final for Entrenchment
- Default militia are Vasari, Occupation Planet has TechRebel
- Pirate Base has a battleship and no mines, all militia use 7DS Unity names
- Starbases have greater range (+4k) and mobility in gravity-well
- Stardock didn't fix the Psi maxed out starbase mesh -it's missing some hardpoints : we fixed it.
- Normal Start: 2 metal, 1 crystal, 2 non-combat, 1 combat, 3 scout, 4-5 light, 1 colony frig
- Quick Start: 2 metal, 1 crystal, 2 non-combat, 1 combat, 3 scout, 4-5 light, 1 colony frig, 1 battleship, 1 heavy, 1 long range
- Labs use 2 slots for earlier tech potential.
Warchests added to both for Quickstart
- Boosts starting credit income rate
- Provides 3500 metal and crystal using a modified Resource Drain
- Cooldown in 3600s; 1 hour. After that, another cycle of 3500 metal/crystal
- Does some slight damage to planet -core mining being what it is.
Menu for Advent Militia Mini-Mod: TOC Antaran Hiveship shown as cosmetic titan.
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