So here's the problem: Strip to the Core
The issue is not that it is too easy to get....the issue isn't even really the amount of resources that you get...the problem is that once planets are double stripped to asteroid belts, everyone else is hosed...
Multiple games now I have seen a VL player able to drag games on forever even when massively outnumbered and out done in long as they have enough fleet to deal with a fully upgraded SB (which is not that hard), all they have to do is jump to a world, eat it, and move on before they get it again, and no one can ever colonize it....
Last night I played a 5v5 where 3 of our players got wiped...yet the game still continued for about 6 hours because one of our two players was VL...even with wormholes and 5 fleets in 5 different locations, the other team struggled trying to catch the VL fleet...even with no kostura, the VL can just keep moving moving moving, eating planets and avoiding fleets like none other...
The concept of this strategy is actually quite is unique, and I think it should stay...the problem is that 2 players can take on 5 will relative ease...
The VL eats planets while the other player just survives...since the VL can be anywhere rather quickly, it is exceptionally hard to wipe the 2nd player...even if 3 or 4 players team up on them, they'll be facing an entrenched player with titan + SB and the VL's orky...oh, and the VL can jump back at any time to assist...if the 5 man team doesn't try to break the entrenched player, they'll just waste time chasing the VL fleet of doom that can be anywhwere, anytime...
Having been on both sides of the issue (facing VL pulling this crap and being allied to VL doing this), I find that it is extremely difficult to counter, especially if players drop....more to the point, any other factions (so not Vasari) stuck in a 2v5 would never come even close to being as succesful as the VL planet eating strategy...when you are the only faction that can handle a 2v5, I think it is fair to say you are OP...and heavne forbid if 2 VLs tagged teamed and stripped the galaxy...
So, how does this get fixed? I think the solution is actually quite simple: Stripped to the core does not remove the ability to colonize...
I suggest that when a planet is stripped (Terran, desert, ice, volcanic, moon), it becomes an asteroid (not dead)...if an asteroid, dead asteroid, or pirate base are stripped, the entity simply stays the same....this is extremely easy to implement and requires no engine changes, just entity file changes...if you remove the effect and give no resources, "Stripping" an asteroid, dead asteroid, or pirate base basically is just like normal disbanding (only difference is a string saying you are stripping)...
How does this solve the problem? Well, the players still have asteroids to colonize, and therefore still can stay in the game just fine...since the VL won't be able to guard each and every asteroid, the attrition strategy doesn't work out when seriously outnumbered...when the teams are equal, Stripping is still an effective strategy...if slighlty outnumbered, stripping can really wittle the enemy down via attrition and pull an underdog victory...but if the game keeps dragging on, the VL can eventually be brought down since the enemy will always be able to have something to colonize and build structures on...
As a last comment, I think it is crucial planets strip to asteroid instead of dead asteroid...right now the dead asteroid is basically almost as bad as asteroid belts (though it still makes it hard to actually wipe a player) and furthermore, it seriously biases the late game against Advent...TEC have development mandate and can build units via SBs, but Advent can't do anything....