This is the first post in a series that will have all titans fight each other in an 1v1 situation. This is not meant to start another balancing discussion but more as helpful information that allows you to decide if you should stay and fight or run for your life when you have 2 titan supported fleets engage each other.
TEC Ragnarov VS TEC Ankylon
Round 1:
Titan Level: 1
Research: All is researched
Gravity well: Neutral
Used Titan Upgrades: Abilities
Result: Ragnarov wins with 4114/5889 HP remaining. Furious Defense in neutral is no match for snipe.
Round 2:
Titan Level: 1
Research: All is researched
Gravity well: Neutral
Used Titan Upgrades: Armor and firepower upgrades
Result: Ragnarov wins with 5689/7066 HP remaining.The Ragnarov does profit more from the non ability upgrades than the Ankylon.
Round 3:
Titan Level: 10
Research: All is researched
Gravity well: Neutral
Used Titan Upgrades: All that help against other Titans
Result: Ragnarov wins with 12880/15759 HP remaining. The Ankylon might be still sporting awesome armor but on this level the Ragnarov is anything but fragile... denying the Ankylon more than moderate damage before sucumbing to the far superior firepower of its enemy.
Round 4:
Titan Level: 10
Research: All is researched
Gravity well: Owned by the player with the Ankylon
Used Titan Upgrades: All that help against other Titans
Result: Ankylon wins with 17792/18532 HP remaining. An entirely different result when the Ankylon is in its own gravity well. The Militia weapons upgrade does stack with the 65 % damage increase from Furios Defense, finally giving the Ankylon some serious firepower. But far worse for the Ragnarov, the combination of Milia armor and the higher hull repair rate of furious defense ability make the Ankylon short of invulnerable. It just sits there, taking barrage after barrage of all that murderous firepower like it was nothing but pesky flies. When the Ragnarov dies, it has barely done more than scratching the paint job of the Ankylon.
Round 5:
Titan Level: 6
Research: All is researched
Gravity well: Neutral
Used Titan Upgrades: All that help against other Titans
Result: Ragnarov wins with 9518/12288 HP remaining. As Inspire and Impair does not affect Titans at all, it is only logical that the amplied abilities of the Ragnarov make short work of the Ankylon.
Round 6:
Titan Level: 1
Research: No research is done
Gravity well: Neutral
Used Titan Upgrades: Abilities
Result: Ragnarov wins with 3427/4530 HP remaining. The Ragnarov does profit more from research upgrades than the Ankylon.
Round 7:
Titan Level: 1
Research: No research is done
Gravity well: Owned by the player with the Ankylon
Used Titan Upgrades: Abilities
Result: Ragnarov wins with 2223/4530 HP remaining. The better version of Furious Defense does help, but there is still no hope for the Ankylon to win a straight fight.
Round 8:
Titan Level: 6
Research: All military research is done that can be achieved with 5 military labs.
Gravity well: Owned by the player with the Ankylon
Used Titan Upgrades: All that help against other Titans
Result: Ankylon wins with 13891/15163 HP remaining. Milia armor and weapons make a massive difference.
Round 9:
Titan Level: 1
Research: Milita armor and Milita weapons is researched.
Gravity well: Owned by the player with the Ankylon
Used Titan Upgrades: Abilities
Result: Ankylon wins with 2828/6480 HP remaining. Milia armor and weapons save the day for the Loyalists.
Summary: The Ragnarov is a beast. Only when in its own gravity wells and with the right upgrades the Ankylon stands a chance. So here my recommodations for such a TEC mirror match:
As TEC Loyalists: Get Militia upgrades! They require only one lab more than the Titan itself and more a huge difference. Always go for abilities on the Ankylon, they are far better than the armor or damage increase. And naturally.. try to fight in your own gravity wells. Facing the Ragnarov in any other than your own gravity wells is quite unhealthy for your fleet and titan. Level up your Ankylon as a top priority. It does shine only on the higher levels where group shield becomes effective. Try to kill the Ragnarov quickly. Always get Inspire and Impair on level 6 and 8. It is by far the best ability of the Titan and will ruin your enemies day in any fleet battle.
As TEC Rebels: When you attack, bomb the planet first. Once the planet is gone so are the advantages of the Loyalists. Research armor upgrades, they make your Giant gun much more durable. One or two Titan armor upgrades might be usefull, too. Ignore the Ankylon, kill all other things first. Try to lure them into attacking you, the Loyalist are ill suited for offense... while your ragnarov deals just the same damage when on defense duty. Snipe his capital ships... below the maximum level group shield does a poor job at protecting them from you and he has to retreat them the moment they come under fire.Avoid twin fortresses under the influence of Inspire and Impair.... those things dish out broadsides that make look your titan like a toy gun im comparsion.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for the next installment.... Ragnarov VS Eradica.