Two things that really frustrate me:
- Maul. o o o
- "Fake" quests. o o o
It is REALLY tempting to play "Devil's Advocate" on both of the complaints you've made, and simply dismiss them. I am pretty sure that you will get a number of respondents who will disagree with your views ... That said, I'll try to provide the best (rational) feedback I can, that reflects my own viewpoints ...
- Maul. Honestly, there are a LOT of Beta testers who just LOVE this mechanic. I fear you will not get much sympathy on this point. Of course, most players would rather be able to use Maul, "whomping" their ememies; rather than have this scourge visited upon them! BUT there are always going to be some traits, mechanics, weapons, spells, and abilities that seem to be over-powered. Indeed, the whole flavor of the game (as Derek Paxton seems to envision it), incorporates the idea ( "Go Big or Go Home!" ) that the best way to balance factors that seem to be over-powered, is to create other ones, that give you powerful vehicles for counter-attacking.
Personally, I could live with your suggestion that Maul be tweaked, to reduce the damage caused by successive hits ... But I just don't think the Devs, or a majority of the beta-testers, would agree with you.
- "Fake" quests. Honestly, I don't really think your characterization of this issue is particularly fair or reasonable. They are not "fake" -- they are just different than you initially surmised. You can't expect to be omniscient about quests! There are always going to be some unknowns, and some risks. Without them, the game would be too dull and predictable.
In your example, a quest-giver may try to renege on the promised reward, but why is it realistic to think that this would never happen? Even then, if you decide to take a reward by force, or kill the questgiver, you ARE making a conscious decision. You are committing yourself to a (risky) new course of action. You actually DO have a choice! IMO, removing ANY such possibility would make the game too dull and predictable ...