Look, you gaggle o' Brony-Haters need to pack your sack of opinions and half-baked theories and carry 'em someplace else.
I do believe their are some of the 18+ crowd who do innocently like the show. However I'd also believe a good chunk of bronies are also furries in the weirdest sense of the term. When someone finally funds a college dedicated to studying internet culture perhaps we'll get some reliable statistics but until then who knows exactly what the proportion is.
That said, I believe all bronies could do with less friendship and more pew pew.
Well then I got one for you GoaFan:
I honestly believe that some punks that run their mouth about things they don't really know a rat-squirt about genuinely think they're saying something useful and helpful. However I'd also believe a good chunk of punks that run their mouth about things they don't really know a rat-squirt about just like being judgmental little know-it-alls who enjoy talking down and bad-mouthing people they don't think will push back, in the weirdest sense of the term. Well big man, I'm here to tell you that I'm a 38 year old man that isn't into furry sex or fondling little kids. I also don't like nasty little smart-mouths talking smack about my buddies.
My girlfriend and I both enjoy My Little Pony, and if you can't get past the cuteness to see the smooth animation, excellent voice-acting, original soundtrack with catchy songs and well-above-average plot lines and character development...then I'd charge that you don't know what a "good" cartoon actually is.
Either way, we'd all be a lot happier if you guys would just go bother somebody else, if you'd be so kind.