The Orkulus Rex is worthless, it needs to do planet bombing damage to be balanced!
Oh and BTW, 35 armor is basically just paper like, this is a starbase after all, we should really increase the armor to at least 60.
Sorry, I couldnt resist!
What city do you live in?
I need to know, so i can tell the aliens where to launch the first nuke.
Tee hee
My brain could not comprehend seeing the words 'Orkulus' and 'underpowered' in the same sentence so I honestly thought that the title said 'overpowered'.
Five green stars for you!
Orkies are weak againt bomber swarms and orgrov and solanus
so these are the new forum games now?
Last post to win... Ban 1... Ban 2... Dear Devs...
At least three out of four of those are worthwhile.
It got exactly what I wanted...attention, trolling, and a discussion about the game rather than ponies or Mecha Lenin...that it started another round of forum games is just an added bonus....
The Arilou are going to do horrible things to him that involves an Ostrich and antimatter that only his grandchildren will be able to squawk about.
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