I am one of those Christ loving, conspiracy believing, rain water gathering, farm growing, constitution supporting terrorists (labeled terrorist, that is) located in Texas. I frequently visit that nut-job Alex Jones's web sites (PrisonPlanet.com/infowars.com), yes he actually believes we (the world) are under attack by a bunch of lunatic satanist bankers that are bent on bringing about the 'end times' (you know, mark of the beast, one world government, sodomising the young boys, eating flesh/blood,etc). He even provides leaked government documents that support most all of the things he protests against.
He believes that the 'Satanist' are gearing up for an 'alien' invasion & have been for decades. If one reads the bible then one learns about a 'great deception' of Satan's that will pull most people away from god during the end times. Lets just say the 'aliens' do invade (or come to our 'rescue'), with all this new technology (the NWO supporters are guessed to be at least 30 years more advanced than the rest of the world (the majority of Nazi Germanies scientist came to the U.S. after the war, continuing there work & granted immunity from war crimes (Eugenicists & such). Two of the most renowned & respected researchers in the world (one from France & one from the U.S.) neither religious, studied the UFO phenomenon intensely with hundreds of interviews of abductees & those whom have supposedly spotted UFOs trying to debunk the theories. After all was said & done they both decided (seperatly) that these things were demonic (their word, not mine) in nature.
Anyways, lets just say the Satanist/bankers (or whatever you want to call them) have been planning this certain deception, the've worked on it since at least Roswell, the've had 'flyin saucers' since WWII (Germany, with demonic help some believe), granted not very good then but this is 2012 not 1930's-40's, if you combine the actual flying technology, the ability of fallen angels to change shape at will, and possible hologram technology (Project blue beam & such, I watched a vid where they made Godzilla several stories high appear in the middle of a river with noise/water splashing & all) one could replecate the arrival of the aliens in Independence Day (tha Movie).
The Satanist are trying to replace religion (of all kinds) with scientology (hence all the Scientology schools being built everywhere, they actually call this a religion, heh don't get me started on planned parenthood). They support the Taliban (or created the 'force'/NWO Merc army) & used them to create false flags & create reasons to invade other countries replacing said government with one more acceptable of the NWO theologies. Already the've combined Europe, working on the North American Union & Asian union (can't remember for sure the name for this 'sector')
I believe people that are into 4x games seem to lean towards being a tid bit smarter/more knowledgeable than others & was curious if anyone out there with more brains than I, might have some insight or something to add to this. I firmly believe that the majority of people will see the words Alien/Satanists/& such will dismiss everything & anything simply because these words are present, but surely I'm not the only one doing research on such things.
Nut-case Grizzyloins signing off (sorry if I brainstormed here, hope it makes some kind of since, and if someone wishes to dismiss this quickly, then please be bothered to do your own research rather than simply call names or refuse the possibility with any ground to stand on what so ever (as the majority of people will be fooled by the 'great deception')
"The grey's are our friends, my *ss!!!!)