I like Windows 8 (with Start8, ex7forw8, or other alternative running in the background) and the proper configurations made. It does improve on SOME features, like copy/paste, which I do a lot of. And it is a faster and generally prettier experience.
HATE THE START SCREEN THOUGH. I need to have 10 programs running to make sure that I never have to see it. Completely all over the place and illogical tile system. A chore to organize.
I do like the Netflix app, which I run in the background, and the music app is nice for having parties with a TV running in the background, and I like getting toaster popups for facebook chat. With the proper fixes, it could be an acceptable HTPC UI or, even better an actual desktop OS. It has decent multimonitor support, and I'm assuming Xbox 360 controller support isn't far off.
The problem with the Start Screen though is that it doesnt improve on the start menu, and even these Metro apps, generally, are worse and harder to use than their desktop counterpart, so who would ever use them? Desktops are about multitasking and uninterruptable, limitless consumption of anything you can find with a google search. Windows can keep the theme of Windows 8, and maybe even the tiles, but Microsoft needs to realize that Desktops and Laptops are NOT tablets. Buttons do NOT need to be 128x128 for me to click on them, and every app on my computer could be viewed in a SINGLE screen without any scrolling necessary.
I recommend Start8 with a few important configurations made, mainly, use the Windows 7 start menu, and enable "Windows Button opens last Metro UI app". Opens up Metro a lot on the desktop, allowing you to quickly jump in and out of a metro app without having to go back and forth through the Start Screen. I find it especially useful for Netflix (or Hulu, or anything of that nature)