Added new Corvette weapon damage type
GreatUpdated Corvette damage balance per new weapon damage type.
The maximum number of superweapons a faction can field is now based on the number of planets they own. By default a faction can field 1 superweapon for every 4 owned gravity wells.
THANK YOU!!!! Question though, can you still have a superweapon even if you only have one planet and do they deactivate if you lose planets?The Frigate target filter will no longer improperly target Corvettes.
Destroyed Titans now cost an additional 10% per level in resources and build time.
TEC (All)
Corsev Battlecruiser: Capped the maximum number of targets on Demolition Teams to 25 from unlimited.
This thing needed a nerf. Idk if this was the right one, but the effort is definitely appreciated. We'll see how it goes.Corsev Battlecruiser: Updated Demolition Teams autocast to target Boarded vessels.
TEC Loyalists
Novalith Deregulation now allows TEC Loyalists to field 2 superweapons for every 4 owned gravity wells.
Once again, this is awesome!Advent Rebels
Eradica Titan: Unyielding Will re-designed
Awesome to hear that this thing getting changed like this!Vasari Loyalists
Stripped to the Core scuttle time is now dependent on the planet being stripped: Asteroids/Dead Asteroids - 60 seconds; Desert - 240 seconds; Ice - 260 seconds; Volcanic - 280 seconds; Terran - 300 seconds; Home worlds - 400 seconds.
Stripped to the Core income is now affected by Fleet Upkeep penalties.
Idk how I feel about the taxation, but the time increases is something I've definitely been interested in trying.Shipboard Labs has been split into two research subjects:
Shipboard Labs (Tier 7) will grant 1 military lab per capital ship.
Empire Integration (Tier 7) will grant 1 civilian lab per capital ship.
Vasari Rebels
Moved Starbase Mobilization from Defense to NonCombat tech tree with a pre-req. of Enhanced Tunneling.
YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! I'm afraid though that it might not be enough since any competent Vasari player will want phase gates and this doesn't add much to the lab cost for it. We'll have to see how exactly it impacts things in MP.Starbase Mobilization is now disabled if the player doesn't maintain enough labs for the research to remain active.
Good to hear.Vasari Rebel starbases now suffer a 25% weapon damage penalty for 60 seconds after exiting phase space.
Again, perhaps not enough of a nerf, but definitely appreciated.Added an appropriate error message when a starbase fails to jump to a gravity well due to their already being a player starbase present.
This was annoying me quite a bit. Thank you. [ Interface ]
Added new UI option: Empire Tree - Show Ships in Phase Space, which toggles whether ships phase jumping to other gravity wells are displayed in nods in the Empire Tree. (Helps prevent the Empire Tree from 'jumping' around.)
Anything that helps prevent jumping is an an excellent thing.[ Modding ]
Added new Corvette ChanceToHitTargetType to gameplay.constants.
Added new Corvette weapon damage type to gameplay.constants.
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:CapitalShip 0.65
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:VeryLight 0.50
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Light 1.5
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Medium 0.6
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Heavy 0.5
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:VeryHeavy 0.55
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Module 0.35
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Pirate 0.50
DamagePercentBonus:CORVETTE:Titan 0.7
Added cannonsPerGravityWellRatio to gameplay.constants.
Added cannonGravityWellRatioDenominator to gameplay.constants.
Added new buff modifier - CultureSpreadModifier.
New aiUseTargetCondition - HasBuff. Only autocasts on targets who have the specified buff.
aiUseTargetCondition "HasBuff"
buffType "BuffMyBuff"
Increased iconBackdropDefs from 3 to 5.
New buffInstantActionType: ApplyBuffToFirstSpawnerNoFilterNoRange. Same usage as ApplyBuffToLastSpawnerNoFilterNoRange.
[ Misc ]
Increased formation distances between frigates and capital ships to prevent ships from clustering too closely during group phase jumps (which slowed things down while they waited for formation).
Another thing that any change to help fix is welcome.