Does anyone else think that the change to Disruption Matrix was really really significant? I honestly think the Ankylon is the best Titan at high levels now. Esp. if you can get both Disruption Matrix and Group Shield to max, you can basically just ignore even Titan AoE.
Because of the fact that it lasts 15 seconds at max rank, you can shut down an enemy Titan's AoE for the 15 seconds it takes group shield to finish recharging after expiring, and with an 86% damage reduc on top of shield mit, Titan AoE is basically negligible while group shield is up, you can't just wait for group shield to wear off then use Chastic Burst or whatever the hell anymore if you're facing a TL player with a high level Ankylon who is microing it well.
Plus, you can interrupt The Maw and Nano Leech and well, whatever you want really. I know it doesn't matter so much in MP games because they take less time, but I think this is a huge boost to the Ankylon, and I like it.
On the subject of Orkies, I think the devs did indeed take a step in the right direction, but something has been bugging me. Why is it that the Vasari starbases are the best in terms of armament/ armor/ etc? They can already move, which is untrue of the other two starbases, so why are they made even better by giving them all these ridiculously powerful upgrades? I think that the TEC/ Advent starbases deserve a huge buff. because they're basically irrelevant to a skilled player. I especially think TL Argonevs should be vastly superior to every other starbase simply because they're supposed to be the "defensive" faction.