I actually have always wanted a dedicated titan hunter in game. Doesn't have to be a powerful monstrosity just something as effective as the Ogrov vs. the Orkulus and in the capital ship slot and cost range.
Make it very vulnerable to other things and make it only damage titans.
It's the same concept as real life hunter-killer submarines and anti-ballistic missiles not to mention the hypersonic supercarrier killers China has and Russia is developing.
A ship in a real-life fleet as effective as a titan would beg for an effective and cheaper deterrent--that's how it works.
Ogrovs? Muhahahahahahaha.... good one
On a more serious note, even if something like that is implemented... you would have to reduce the effectivness of bomber spam first. Ogrovs are not too bad against - stationary - starbases... just not good enough to warrant to replace bombers with them.
There are two counters to titans in this game:
Jumping Orkies
Pick one...
Lots of bombers....
or if you are Vasari VS Advent half that number phase missile bombers...
Quoting GoaFan77, reply 14While you refuse to believe, I will happily blast your titan while stealing and frigates you might be stupid enough to bring with you.
Are you really going to try and tell me Unity Mass does more damage than snipe? I didn't know you trolled, Goa....
Actually.... UM did more damage than Snipe even before 1.4. It is just so that the Ragnarov dishes out a ton of non ability damage.... and so it feels a lot stronger. With 1.4 Unity Mass is considerable more powerful.
Proof: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/428673 - Reply 16
That was 1.3.... now with the hugely buffed Unity Mass I am pretty certain Coronata will eat Ragnarov for breakfast.
BTW, read your own posts in this topic, lol.
I am pretty certain that against hard singular targets the Coronata is now better than the Eradica... at least below Level 6. Above that the all new and awesome Unyielding will evens up the field.
https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/430282, my post about the Eradica/Coronate fight.... blue text
I prefer level 6 halcyons at the edge of gravity wells spamming over hundred Squads of bombers with their ultimate ability while supportef by a rapture with concentration aura.
Caps do counter titans guys and can escape gravity wells with a click of a button if the ragnorv is chasing them.
Yes... however you need to retreat the ship that is fired on immediatly... very few capital ships that even on high level survive this level of firepower fore more than 30 seconds at most.
Not to mention you usually wont have many Level 6 Halycons..... and even if.... a few rounds against an Vasari and they are gone and then the replacment is just level 4.