I already mentioned LRMs. 30-40 of them can take down a level 1 Titan really quickly - especially with the damage upgrades they should have by that point in the game. Titans are not the end all-be all some people think they are. Of course the Titan should have a fleet too, that will deal with those 40 LRMs, and the LRMs will also have, yadda yadda.
I think there is agreement that early on titans can be countered. I'm talking about once you get 6+ with maxed out Chastic burst, scattershot and the Maw. It just gets to the point that Caps, titans, starbases and carriers are the only thing that can survive long against these abilities. And carriers are way too OP anyways, and even worse lag the game more than anything else, hence the need for some other frigate you can bring in to a titan fight.
I see corvettes still late game. Great for countering bombers and still useful for sniping capital ships. Of course you have to keep pace with your weapon, shield, hull upgrades to help them.
Yes, the one thing I did not like about the new Corvette damage type is that it is more effective against Capitalships than when they used the antilight damage time. Still, I don't claim to be a pro, but I do play some amount of ICO now and its odd I haven't seen this. I've seen a couple of Vasari Loyalists late game with their obscene heavy cruisers, but usually its carriers that by far out number anything else late game. Granted, maybe that's because right now titan AoEs will devastate them as it is currently.
By the way, the TEC LRM has an AOE explosive warhead upgrade. Is the AOE based on nearby other distinct units or is it just based on a defined distance (in which case it would splash Titans and capitals)...just something I've been wondering if anyone knows.
The AoE damage is dealt to all units within a certain range of the target the normal missile weapon has. So it does work well against tight groups of units no matter how far away your LRM are. The Vasari titan AoE (besides Maw), Desperation, works much the same way.
For the record, cluster warheads will do 10 damage to up to six target that are 1200 "meters" away from the target that gets hit by the missiles. Apparently this could include the target you're firing at. However, the mere 10 damage makes it barely noticeable except in very large numbers.