Goa surely you must see that there are tremendous balance problems with making corvettes a Titan counter? Why ever make a Titan with all the investment it requires when your opponent can simply quickly pump out the requisite number of corvettes with one military lab in order to counter it?
Surely you must see the problems that exist now?
For the record, I'm not advocating Corvettes as a hard counter in the sense that 9500 credits of Corvettes should kill a titan (at least, not very fast). If it turns out they can do that, their damage to them should be tuned down. But above all I think their debuffs at the least would be useful, and were designed around being used on titans. Its just as it is now, titan abilities will never let them live long enough to use them effectively.
Part of the game is not feeding your opponent's Titan to allow it to get lvl 6+ and if it does, then yes of course killing it becomes progressively more difficult
Yes, but I think this is the single worst gameplay feature in Sins. Some people don't like titans because they are end game units. I like games with end game units, like Supcom or Command and Conquer. The difference is in games like that, the ultimate end game units do not level up. So even if its not very effective, you can pump out a ton of gunships or whatever and even if they don't last very long, they'll help wear down the end game unit eventually. If you have the superior economy, its never a bad idea to pump out units in those games. The idea that throwing a horde of frigates at a high level titan is actually helping your enemy seems ridiculous to me (even if it would be bad tactics in any game).
Ideally I think titans should not have used the same XP system as capitalships did. But we can't change that now. What we can do is make a frigate that you can build in large numbers to slowly help your own titan/capitalships to eventually kill it. Titans would still counter every other frigate hard, and unlike some people I think that's a good thing because its allowed capitalships to reach a level of importance they never had before. But you need to have the rest of your fleet supply in something, and right now the only thing that is remotely safe from titan AoEs are the overused and laggy carriers. At least if Corvettes were immune, we'd at least have another option.
it's fairly rare to see lvl 6+ Titans, at least in MP, as it is. At least 1.04 did make it much more expensive to re-field them.
Ekko maybe the dozen games or skilled games I've done are unusual, but I've seen quite a few end with a Vorastra getting to level 6. Eradicas can become borderline ridiculous at level 3, at least offensively, possibly defensively if the guy is willing to sacrifice a lot of guardians. And in single player you do see them all the time, and while the build cost and time increase have helped, it doesn't make taking high level AI titans out any less annoying.