Check % chance of penalties for corvette abilities. Are they doing the job debuffing titans enough?
No one knows, titans will kill them to quickly with AoE abilities. Especially the Eradica, which arguably needs a debuff the most.
Corvettes die to frigates which die to titans and if titans died to corvettes there would be yet another loop.....
Well that would't be a bad loop at all if you ask me...
That is exactly what I'm getting at. If frigates are taken in isolation, we have a pretty good balance with the possible exception of carriers, and sadly we might never be able to fully balance their long range capacity. If corvettes could at least harass titans effectively, we'd have a much more dynamic game, as that would mean at the least you'd want some flak near your titan to counter the corvettes, and thus a possible opening for balanced fleets to return.
Fundamentally I don't think it matters where they put titans in the research tree, you could change it to be reasonable for whatever strength they have at lvl 1 while still a centerpiece ship at higher levels. As far as I'm concerned, 4 is a pretty decent place to put it.