I, from the bottom of my heart, believe this is a serious topic...
As a recent example for why this is important, consider Ekko_Tek's thread that was meant to help new players get mentoring....troll's like Radioactive (Nightraid3r) and Fallen_One (Chris) pretended like they needed to find a mentor....Ekko and I of course called them out as being trolls, ha ha ha, no harm done right? But newer players involved in that thread seriously thought we were just being asses and not actually willing to help anyone...while I am used to trolling and do it myself, it is a slight shame when a little troll fun gets taken the wrong way and the community losses a potentially new member...
This is 10 times worse on ICO...you can always ignore the well known trolls on the forums, but trolling on ICO can outright ruin games for everyone, regardless of whether you know someone is a troll before hand...the worst offenders (in my opinion) are the people who do stupid shit when they know they can't win, such as pausing the game indefinitely or dragging the game out and forcing their opponents to wipe out each and every planet (and possibly ship)....
Regardless of whether it is on ICO or on the forums, certain types of trolling can permanently turn people away from this community...I'm not talking about the asshats who start threads along the lines of "Fuck you Starclad, this game is shit" and threaten to pirate or whatever...I'm talking about the people that are new, don't really understand the game, and get trolled to death cause their lack of experience lends to "poor suggestions" or "stupid questions"...
I think the troll list should be taken "seriously" in that it should be an accurate reflection of who the trolls really are and how exactly they troll....
For example, Volt should not have been on the last troll list while Nightraid3r obviously should have...Sinperium definitely deserved to be on the troll list, but it's very important his review also mentions that he makes lots of legitimate contributions to this forum in addition to the occasional trolling...making and maintaining the list can be fun and light-hearted, but it should be "legit"....it should include both forum trolls (Nightraid3r/Radioactive, RiddleKing) and ICO trolls (Huymac, Zoomers, kbroke)...we also don't want trolls like Sinperium to be completely ignored "simply cause they are on the list", so reviews should always indicate the serious/legit contributions a troll makes as well....
For this project to work, it needs to be planned in an off-topic section...once a list has been made and at least most of the reviews have been written, a new thread should then be made in the Sins Rebellion section...it is very important that the thread made in an actual Sins forum section immediately has legit content to it, otherwise it risks being locked....
Ironically, the troll list cannot be a troll...I really do think it should be a serious endeavor that gives players an honest and unbiased "head's up" about who tends to be trolls and what you can expect from them...I think the most valuable part of the list will be which ICO players to avoid....most players will not want trolls like Zoomers dragging games out for 6 hours because they won't quit, and new players should be able to see a list of which guys are just general trolls and thus are to be ignored and not taken seriously (Huymac is a great example)
I also think Seleuceia should have his own tier....