Played a game again both VR and VL in game....
And it was decided by in gravity jump and maw not vail.....
So basically, wail is acceptable because we have other more pressing OP elements that also need to be fixed? Lol....
radiance detonate am (it does disable red button on tec)
As I've stated before, detonate AM can only affect targets with antimatter....culture centers don't have AM, therefore they cannot be targetted...
Dunov with (presumably) magnetize is going to be very difficult to pull off...cooldown is 15 seconds while duration is 10/12/15/ practice, that pretty much means you are going to have to have level 4 magnetize (level 3 is just too risky), which implies a level 7 dunov...not impossible to get, but I don't think you see to many level 7 dunovs with practice you'd most likely have to have multiple dunovs....
Subverter is going to be even harder than working with a dunov...cooldown is 60s while duration is 20s, which means bare minimum you are going to need 4 to be on safe side....not impossible, but much more risky if there are any defending forces least dunovs are going to be harder to kill...
Marauder really is the only viable counter I see there...phase out hull has a longer duration than cooldown, minimizing micro and reducing your risk of something going wrong...
Judging by your post, greg, I have a feeling you and player slayer haven't actually tried these strategies yet, just theory crafted them....
Are you playing Advent Loyal often? what? never pick them? i bet you always go for vasari!
I don't know who this is directed at but most of the people in this thread, including myself, are not vasari whores...and FYI, I've picked AL quite a lot, even before the v1.04...