just because we don't think your ideas are best for the game and implement them doesn't make us incompetent" or something to that degree; That's entirely reasonable as it's their game.
The issue isn't that "so and so's" idea didn't get implemented....the isssue is that nothing really got implemented for some of the most pervasive balance problems...many of the so called "trolls" here, including myself, are not here to stroke our ego's or get rises out of others...we genuinely want balance to be improved, and for those that have been here through all of Sins and even previous titles, it is extremely frustrating...
It's not about getting my idea into the game, or your idea into the game...it's about having at least something implemented to fix the issue...take for example SttC...some, like Zombie, wanted it to be affected by fleet upkeep...others wanted it to be a titan ability, or simply reduce the resources earned, or require multiple technologies, etc. etc...at the end of the day, no one really cares who's suggestion got into the game...what matters is that something was done and that that something adequately addressed the issue....
As for the topic at hand, first of all, a lot of the "balance" requests the MP community are asking for are simply not reasonable.
Explain to me how requests to nerf Starbase mobilization are "unreasonable"...we aren't looking to take it out of the game, we are looking to keep it powerful without being overpowered...how is that in any way unreasonable???
guarantee that if they "fixed" every single thing the MP community claimed was OP, they would find something else to break, and the whole thing would start all over again until we had 6 factions with ships and researches that exactly mimic eachother, with the only difference being the in-game ship designs themselves.
This is just absolutely wrong...diplomacy v1.34 was actually fairly good, with the Vasari vs. Advent matchup being the only serious balance problem...there were some "variability" problems (techs, caps, and what not that were useless) but near perfect balance was most certainly within reach...a few tweaks to the damage tables and buffs to Advent PM blocking, and the game would have been pretty much fine...your are so biased against those who enjoy MP, it boggles my mind...
You're trolling, making the same kind of moronic post that keeps getting these threads locked.
Sareth is simply being honest (and doing it more kindly than I did)...most nearly everyone here agrees that Starclad has made a great game...many of the "trolls", including myself, have even lauded Starclad for all the things it has done right (it seems those comments of ours conveniently get ignored or forgotten)....balance is just one area Starclad is particularly weak in...that doesn't make Starclad bad nor does it make Sins a shitty game...what it does mean is that Starclad cannot perfect game balance on its own...it needs continual and substantial feedback from players who have the time to get good at this game and understand how everything actually plays out....
A while ago, around the time of the beta and official release, there were big clashes between fanboys and peeved members of the old guard...some felt Rebellion was perfect and the best thing since apple pie....others felt it was absolutely horrid, atrocious, a waste of money, etc....my stance was, is, and probably always will be that both of those viewpoints are misguided...the game is not awful (though there have been times when it was in an awful state), but y'all are kidding yourself if you don't think there are problems...Rebellion has a lot going for it and seems to be shaping up fairly well, but if there's room for improvement why wouldn't you try to make it better?????
People have gone on here and said Starclad is a terrible company because they don't know how to make a good MP game...I try to tell those people as much as I can that Starclad is not terrible, they simply have a weakness in game balance...what we the forum members can do is provide constructive feedback, because the devs do not have the intuition and experience with this game that competitive MP players do...
Why do I continually reiterate that Starclad has this weakness? To point out that the solution is not to expect the devs to change...that is out of our control...all we can do is continue to provide suggestions and feedback, and hope the devs make the right choices...