Things have stabilized a bit with regard to how the Titans work, so I thought it a good time to pull this together. Please provide feedback if you see anything amiss.
Ragnarov (TEC Rebel Titan)
- Scattershot *****
Antimatter cost - 65
Cooldown time - 60
Range - 6000
Duration - 30
Damage - 250 / 500 / 750 / 1000
Armor - -5 / -6 / -7 / -8
Fires a salvo of projectiles, dealing damage to and lowering the armor of all enemies (except Corvettes) in a cone in front of the ship.
- Snipe *****
Antimatter cost - 70
Cooldown time - 11 / 10 / 9 / 8
Range - 18000
Damage - 1200 / 1600 / 2200 / 2600
Fires an extremely powerful, long-range shell, dealing massive damage to a single enemy target (excludes Corvettes).
- Explosive Shot *****
Antimatter cost - 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown time - 40
Range - 10000
Damage Range from Target - 2500
Damage - 600 / 1000 / 1300 / 1600
Fires an explosive shell at an enemy Frigate, Capital ship, or Titan - dealing damage and knocking back nearby enemy Corvettes, Frigates, and Capital ships. This ability targets a single unit and then does damage to all units in range of that target. Note that the primary target can be a Titan, but Titans are excluded from the in-range damage.
- Overcharge ****
Antimatter cost - 40 / 30
Cooldown time - 60 / 40
Duration - 90
This ability doubles the damage output of the next ability the Titan uses. If the next ability is Explosive Shot, the damage range area is also doubled.
Ankylon (TEC Loyalist Titan)
- Disruption Matrix ****
Antimatter cost - 90
Cooldown time - 45
Range - 6000
Duration - 5 / 8 / 11 / 15
Abilities disabled
Damage taken / sec - 40.0 / 50.0 / 60.0 / 70.0
Targets all enemy Frigates, Capital Ships, Structures, Starbases, and Titans in range. Cause all abilities to be disabled and damage per second taken for all targets in range.
- Furious Defense ***
Antimatter cost - 70 / 65 / 60 / 55
Cooldown time - 90
Duration - 60
Hull repaired / sec (friendly gravity well) - 30.0 / 40.0 / 50.0 / 60.0
Hull repaired / sec (non-friendly gravity well) - 15.0 / 20.0 / 25.0 / 30.0
Damage Output (friendly gravity well) - 35% / 45% / 55% / 65%
Damage Output (non-friendly gravity well) - 25% / 35% / 45% / 55%
Greatly increases the Titan's hull repair rate and weapons damage. The effect is significantly increased if the Titan is in a friendly gravity well.
- Group Shield ***
Antimatter cost - 60
Cooldown time - 90 / 80 / 70 / 60
Range - 4000
Duration - 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Damage Reduction - 18% / 33% / 54% / 82%
Can target itself, friendly Capital Ships, Frigates, Structures, Starbases and Corvettes. The titan emits a powerful shield around a group of allied vessels, reducing some of the damage they take for a short period of time.
- Inspire and Impair ****
Antimatter cost - 150 / 120
Cooldown time - 150 / 120
Duration - 30 / 45
Weapon Cooldown (friendly ships) - 50% / 75%
Weapon Cooldown (enemy ships) - 50% / 100%
Targets friendly, allied, enemy, and unowned Planets. Friendly ships within the gravity well receive a weapon cooldown bonus while enemy ships (including Corvettes) receive a weapon cooldown penalty.
Eradica (Advent Rebel Titan)
- Purification ****
Antimatter cost - 65 / 60 / 55 / 50
Cooldown time - 70 / 50 / 30 / 20
Range - 3500 / 4000 / 4500 / 5000
Destroys a single owned Frigate, allowing the Titan to absorb its remaining hull, shields, and antimatter
- Chastic Burst *****
Antimatter cost - 80
Cooldown time - 30
Ability Range - 6000
Damage Range from Target - 2000 / 2500 / 3000 / 3500
Damage - 500 / 715 / 915 / 1115
Powerful energy burst that damages all enemies (excluding Corvettes) within range of a target enemy ship. This ability targets a single enemy within its stated range and then damages all enemies within a smaller range from the target.
- Strength of the Fallen ***
Range - 3500 / 4000 / 4500 / 5000
Duration - 400
Damage output - 8% / 11% / 15% / 18%
Stacking limit - 5
Causes friendly ships that are destroyed near the Titan to increase its weapon damage. This ability stacks with each ship destroyed.
- Unyielding Will *****
Duration - 240
Ability Cooldown rate (<75% hull, <50% hull, <25% hull) - 25%,50%,100% / 50%,100%,200%
Damage reduction (<75% hull, <50% hull, <25% hull) - 5%,10%,20% / 10%,20%,40%
Antimatter restore rate (<75% hull, <50% hull, <25% hull) - 200%,400%,800% / 400%,800%,1600%
As the Titan's hull is depleted, it receives decreased ability cooldown rates, increased damage reduction, and increased antimatter restoration rates. In addition, when the Titan is destroyed, it becomes invulnerable and is able to continue fighting for a moderate period of time.
Coronata (Advent Loyalist Titan)
- Subjugation ****
Cooldown time - 20
Antimatter removed - 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Damage output - 25% / 20% / 15% / 10%
Chance to Mind Control - 5% / 8% / 11% / 15%
Gives the Titan's weapon systems a chance to permanently mind control enemy Frigates and Corvettes. This ability depletes antimatter for every weapon shot and reduces weapon damage while active.
- Suppression Aura *****
Range - 3000 / 4000 / 5000 / 6000
Damage output - 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
Max Speed - 33% / 43% / 54% / 67%
Suppresses nearby enemy Frigates, Capital Ships, and Titans - reducing their weapon damage and movement speed. This ability is passive (i.e. always on).
- Unity Mass *****
Antimatter cost - 80 / 75 / 70 / 65
Cooldown time - 25
Range - 6000
Max Targets - 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Base Damage - 2500 / 3500 / 4500 / 5500
Damage Increase per nearby Friendly ship - 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Fires a beam of energy at a single enemy target (excludes Corvettes). The power of the beam is increased with each friendly ship near the Titan up to the max targets.
- Repossession ***
Antimatter cost - 200 / 175
Cooldown time - 300
Range - 4000
Duration - 360 / 480
Cost Reduction - 0% / 33%
"Flips" an enemy planet to your control instantly. The population, health, and upgrades for the planet all reset to their initial values (i.e. like it was just colonized). On level 2, this ability also gives a cost reduction for planet upgrades.
Kultorask (Vasari Rebel Titan)
- Nano Leech *****
Antimatter cost - 100 / 110 / 120 / 130
Cooldown time - 60
Range - 6000 / 6500 / 7000 / 7500
Duration - 20
Waves - 20
Antimatter restored / sec - 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0
Hull repaired / sec - 2.5 / 5.0 / 7.5 / 10.0
Anitmatter drained / sec - 4.0 / 6.0 / 8.0 / 10.0
Damage taken / sec - 5.0 / 10.0 / 15.0 / 20.0
Unleashes a nanite swarm, stealing hull and antimatter from all nearby enemy Frigates in range.
- Nano Remit ***
Antimatter cost - 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
Hull Cost - 300 / 400 / 500 / 600
Cooldown time - 45
Range - 6000 / 6500 / 7000 / 7500
Hull Points repaired - 150 / 200 / 250 / 300
Antimatter restored - 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
The Titan sacrifices some of its hull and antimatter to restore the hull and antimatter of all friendly ships in range.
- Gravity Pulse ****
Antimatter cost - 60 / 75 / 90 / 110
Cooldown time - 45 / 40 / 35 / 30
Range - 6000 / 6500 / 7000 / 7500
Duration - 35
Weapon Cooldown (if enemy target does not have Nano Leech) - 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
Max Speed (if enemy target does not have Nano Leech) - 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
Disable Duration (if the enemy target has Nano Leech) - 5 / 7 / 9 /12
The Titan unleashes and powerful gravimetric wave that slows nearby enemy Frigates, Capital ships, and Titans. If the enemy ship has Nano Leech then the enemy ship is completely disabled for a short period of time.
- Dissever *****
Antimatter cost - 160 / 180
Cooldown time - 120
Range - 6500 / 7500
Damage - 900 / 1350
Damage taken / sec (if the target has Nano Leach) - 30.0 / 40.0
Causes damage to all enemy Corvettes, Frigates, Capital ships and Titans in range. In addition, for enemy ships having Nano Leech, this ability increases the damage / sec that Nano Leach causes.
Vorastra (Vasari Loyalist Titan)
- Micro-Phase Jump ****
Antimatter cost - 90 / 80 / 70 / 60
Cooldown time - 60 / 50 / 40 / 30
Range - 20000 / 26000 / 33000 / 40000
Instantly transports the Titan to the targeted position within the current gravity well.
- Desperation ****
Splash Damage - 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
Splash Damage Range - 1500
Weapon Cooldown - 1% / 2% / 3% / 4%
Weapon Cooldown Duration - 10
Weapon Cooldown Stacking Limit - 15
Damage Reduction - 2% / 3% / 4% / 5%
This ability has three effects. It gives the Titan a small permanent reduction to damage. It gives a stacking buff to the Titan's weapon cooldown for every weapon hit the Titan receives for a short period of time . Finally, it causes every weapon shot the Titan fires to do splash damage to all enemies (including Corvettes) around the weapon's target.
- Spawn Phase Stabilizer ****
Antimatter cost - 200 / 150 / 100 / 0
Cooldown time - 1200 / 1000 / 800 / 600
Instantly constructs a Phase Stabilizer building in the current gravity well.
- The Maw *****+
Antimatter cost - 150 / 130
Cooldown time - 210
Range - 3500 / 4500
Duration - 10
Waves - 100
Resources Gained - 50% / 100%
This ability disables all enemy Frigates and Corvettes in a cone in front of the Titan and sucks them into its Maw. Each enemy ship that is sucked in is instantly destroyed and converted into resources for your empire. The amount of resources (Metal and Crystal) gained is equal to the initial cost of the Frigate times a resource multiplier - i.e. you get half the cost of the ship on level 1 and the full cost on level 2. Note that this ability will suck in Corvettes, but the initial target must be a Frigate.
Edit 1: Updated Chastic Burst to reflect it dealing damage around a target, updated Group Shield to be 3 stars, and updated Strength of the Fallen to be 2 stars. 09/27/2012
Edit 2: Updated description of Explosive Shot, Overcharge, and The Maw. Also changed Explosive Shot to be a 5 star ability. 09/28/2012
Edit 3: Added the stacking limit to Strength of the Fallen. Also updated the Desperation ability to more accurately describe how it works. 09/28/2012
Edit 4: Fixed spelling of Nano Leech and added disable duration to Gravity Pulse when target is affected by Nano Leech. Removed channeling from the Maw description. 09/28/2012
Edit 5: Fixed spelling error in Ragnarov and changed Strength of the Fallen to be 3 stars. 10/01/2012
Edit 6: Updated abilities to reflect changes in v. 1.1 (Group Shield, Chastic Burst, The Maw, and Corvette changes). 11/14/2012
Edit 7: Updated Subjugation, Inspire and Impair, Desperation, and Dissever to reflect that they do affect Corvettes. 11/16/2012