I voted "good".
I won't list what I like because it's most of it , I'll just concentrate on what I'd like to see improved (or added), in no particular order:
- spells - in the current game I have 4 fire shards and the spell Pillar of Flame is ABSOLUTELY devastating on my enemies' armies that enter my territory. So much so that I've been wondering if that's a bug. It just obliterates them or leaves the army on a few HP. Is there any way the AI can counter that? Is there an enchantment to boost fire (or any other) resistance of a unit significantly and can AI learn to use it?
- spells again - Summoner - if I'm a summoner I'd like to have access to some special summons, not accessible through the normal spellbooks. Also, a few to start with and also that Summoner II, III etc actually mean a BIG improvement in summoned creatures, not just a few more HP and attack power increased by few points. Needless to say, summons should be tactical but also strategic (which means permanent) with some upkeep of course. Golems, drakes, living armours, flying swords, undead horde... there are many possible ideas to choose from. Let me (and AI) summon 3-4 bears who will level if we manage to keep them alive up in time and become REALLY scary. Don't restrict me to one shadow wolf who will get 2 AP for the Summoner II . If you think it's not easy to balance, increase the upkeep when they levelup, or increase the cost of summoning each successive monster.
- lack of food for city growth is annoying. It shouldn't be so much of a matter.
- in one of my recent games I played against Yithril who had Juggernaut armies (LOTS of them). That game felt great because I really had a sense of fighting a strong enemy. And I had to really choose my battles. I miss that with most of other adversaries since they just don't feel so different, aside from Resoln with spiders and magic. I'd like more of that , more of diverse AI armies which will have strong creatures.I countered Juggernauts with archers. Yithril should've countered that with armored troops but didn't.
- as someone else mentioned, champions who stay in a city don't progress. For admin champions, that's completely sensless. Even for "normal" champions. They should get some XP, less than battling but still.
- make the old monsters dangerous. If I leave an Ogre wandering around for whatever reason, let it progress, levelup, become a real city crusher (in time).If a lair matures for 100 turns, let it produce something terrifying.
- Wildland allies, Wildings, Darklings. By the time I build their settlements, they are almost useless. Make them upgreadable according to my tech level, or something like that. Why would I want an army of Trolls that dies to a single Shaman?
- building cities still feels boring. It's better, but still I don't see some REAL differences among Fortress, Town and Conclave. I know numbers prove me wrong since obviously Conclave is better in research if you build everything but I don't really FEEL it. I still build everything I can, just change the priorities. Decrease the number of buildings in various settlements (make it so that conclave really focuses on research and is unable to build city improvements connected to gildar or troops). Make it so that you cannot produce some troops in town or in conclave, or that your mages are significantly weaker if not produced in Conclave.
- Outposts. Too generic. Too :"I have to bulid an outpost to secure the resources". But it should be "I WANT to build an outpost because that will give me a fortified position in that area." Make the outpost contain a built-in guard force so that it won't change hands so easily or be destroyed if a monster stumbles by. Make the upgrades enhance that force. There are lot of things that could be done with outposts.
- more interaction with AI. Make it contact you, exchange information (for example map information). Make it evaluate and threaten (if you're kingdom and he's empire) or offer mutually beneficial deals if you're of the same alignment.
There's more but I can't remember it all now...