You reply to me as though I said anything negative about X-COM. I just spent all morning playing it. I'm one of the old guys who played the original and like the new one better. I'm saying that there are a lot of complaints on the website about the camera issue and how much of a pain it is to play with. There are all of these unnecessary cut scenes, etc... which they spent alot of time coding, but they couldn't get the camera controls to work correctly?!?
I didn't say anything about the game needing those things to be great....your response was absurd.
You specifically brought up XCOM as an example of a game that should have had beta tester "approval" because of all the problems it has.
I like XCOM too. I think FE is a better game but that doesn't detract from my enjoyment of XCOM. Like XCOM, I can think of a list of things they could improve. I hope they do improve it.
What is also fairly absurd in this discussion is thinking that the forum users are "the" beta group. Was there a forum beta test of XCOM? No? How did they manage? Because there's a real beta happening behind the scenes with real quality assurance people. This has been mentioned this a few times but seems to get forgotten.
If you put the release version of XCOM up for a vote by forum users, it would probably be chewed up because of all the little issues that matter to forum people but not to the general public. Same is true on FE. You will never please the hard core people.