Windows 8 is not finished and should have listened to user feedback through a longer testing period.
Oh they listened, but you simply cant please everyone you have to decide for one side and make a move. The majority is pissed because they don’t have a start button anymore and not the old startmenu others like the new one ( me included ) it takes a while to learn keyboard shortcuts but as soon as you get familiar using them you will find yourself more than least that is how it went for me and many others...
I find it annoying that they haven't made it more user friendly by incorporating things like start8 options and other tweaks so as to improve usability.
Ok maybe im missing the picture here but wasn’t that the goal of Microsoft to give people a new experience ?
While i can understand that it is frustrating to purchase software (that should be included from your perspective) but actually it isn´t since you can operate it without you just have to change your habits.
Given time i think this OS will flourish but im very worried that since Steven the head of windows 8 development has resigned. What he did was build a OSX backbone onto windows but didn't have the time to take advantage of the new kernel. efficiency is as good as how to execute it. The UI is bottleneck.
The 60 million sold Win8 licenses seem flourishing enough to me already.
"The UI is bottleneck" that is what you think but it isn´t it is far more productive than the old startmenu it is just not as pretty (yet)