Turn 105-120
Jack may not hit particularly hard, but he is a great defender
Turn 105: "Mounted warfare" completes. I target "Heroes" with "Tireless march" in mind.
Farmstead II finishes the study, and starts building a grocer.
Conclave I finishes a life shrine, and starts building a library.
I rush the training yard in Citadel, and start building barracks.
Bacco gives Janusk all of his combat gear. Janusk heads for Farmstead V, where he hopes to purchase a warhorse.
Jack finds a wellspring scroll.
Turn 106: Altar declares war on Kraxis. I have no idea how Relias plans on getting troops there. They are certainly not welcome to invade my trading partner through my lands.
Farmstead III finishes the market, and start building a grocer.
Farmstead V finishes the bell tower and starts building a ranch.
Jack finds a balanced shortsword, destroys an air elemental army, reaches level 17, and becomes an apprentice swordsman.
My cities interfere with traffic, and channel Tarth's troops through hard terrain
Turn 107: "Heroes" completes. I target "Ereog's Journals".
I rush the grocer in Farmstead II, and start building a merchant.
Janusk has a warhorse now
Turn 108: Farmstead IV finishes the mill, and starts building a monument.
I rush the merchant in Farmstead II, and start building a market.
I rush the ranch in Farmstead V, and start building a town hall. Now that the city walls are around the ranch, visiting heroes can purchase warhorses. Warhorses are white and can carry more weight than regular horses.
Janusk buys a warhorse for 200 Gildar, emptying the kingdom's treasury in the process.
Turn 109: "Ereog's journals" completes. I target "Warg riding", and it completes as well. I target "Blacksmithing".
Farmstead II grows to level 3, and I choose the guild grocer improvement.
I cast Tireless March on Jack and Janusk.
A good horse and a loyal wolf sure make a difference
Turn 110: Pariden declares war on Magnar.
Citadel finishes the barracks and starts building a fire shrine.
Farmstead III finishes the grocer and starts building an inn.
Farmstead IV finishes the monument and starts building a well.
I rush the Iron Works in Farmstead I, and start training an unit of pioneers.
Janusk destroys an army of darklings, reaches level 4 and becomes a governor. The reason that I am leveling my heroes into governors is that I want to be able to grow my cities quickly, and that I plan on conquering enemy cities in the near future. Furthermore, there are kingdom aligned heroes which I can hire.
Jack destroys a group of ice elementals.
Turn 111: I rush the butcher in Capital and start building a market.
I rush the pioneer in Farmstead I, and start building a lumber yard.
I rush the well in Farmstead IV, and start building a study.
Jack kills a garotte, and finds a scroll of fireball.
So far, all wars are across allegiance lines
Turn 112: Altar declares war on Resoln.
Farmstead II finishes the market and starts building a school.'
I rush the lumber yard in Farmstead I and start building an inn.
I rush the library in Conclave I and start building a Life shrine.
The pioneers settle Farmstead VI near the Iron Works. I rush a bell tower, and start building a workshop.
Janusk kills an air shrill.
Vetrar proved less dangerous than the drake
Turn 113: Vetrar attacks Jack's army. Jack kills Vetrar, reaches levels 18 and 19, learns "Shadow Strike I", becomes a skilled swordsman, and loots the two-handed sword Heart of the Glacier. Vertrar's fist is sent to Citadel, where it will increase growth and inspire defenders.
As Vetrar's dominion dissipates, the Northern Wastes become available for colonization. I immediately rush an unit of pioneers in Farmstead III and send them towards the center of the former wildland.
Bacco sells the Banishing warhammer.
I rush the study in Farmstead IV, and start training an unit of pioneers.
I rush the workshop in Farmstead VI, and start building a logging camp.
In all the excitement, I had forgotten that Warlord Verga of Yithril has contacted us. His Empire is weaker, and treaties should be possible, but with all the rushing, I am all out of Gildar.
Terrarforming spells make navigating the Northern Wastes much easier
Turn 114: "Blacksmithing" completes. I target "Armor".
Some ice elementals attack Jack and are easily dispatched.
Citadel grows to level 3, receives a strike garrison, finishes the market and starts building a tax office.
Farmstead I finishes the inn, and starts building a festival.
Citadel finishes the fire altar and starts building a blacksmith.
Conclave I finishes the Life shrine and starts building a herbalist.
Farmstead III finishes the inn, and starts building a school.
Jack kills an ice elemental and a garotte.
Janusk kills a couple of bears, reaches level 5, learns "Trainer I", loots a pair of leather vambraces, and finds a pair of rusty greaves.
I sign a technology treaty with Yithril.
I will use this settlement to wrestle all these resources from Altar
Turn 115: Farmstead V finishes the town hall, and starts building a mason.
Farmstead VI finishes the logging camp and starts building a town hall.
Jack finds a boar spear.
I settle Farmstead VII on a rejuvenated 2/4/- tile South of Farmstead IV, near the Altar border. I rush a logging camp, and start building a workshop.
Janusk starts governing Farmstead VII. His growth bonus will halve the time it needs to become a town. I will use this town for a determined push into Altar's sphere of influence.
With the two handed sword from Vetrar, Jack has become a fearsome fighter
Turn 116: Farmstead I finishes the festival, and start building a school.
Conclave I finishes the herbalist and start building an apothecary.
I rush the school in Farmstead II, and start building an Earth shrine.
I rush the kennel in Farmstead IV, and start building a merchant.
Jack kills a garotte, a cave bear, and a group of ice elementals. The Northern Wastes' guardian may have been killed, but they are not a safe place for pioneers.
Jacv's last fights bring quite a bit of Gildar, so I use the money to convince Warlord Verga that trade and economy treaties are in our best interests. I want to sign alliances with everyone I can before I go to war with anyone. When you are too successful in war, other factions start distrusting you.
I rush the workshop in Farmstead VII, and start building a bell tower.
When swamps are preventing you from building, you can drain them with Raise Land
Turn 117: Jack finds a telescope.
Bacco leaves Citadel, and heads toward the center of the Northern Wastes, where I intend to start a new conclave near the Water power node. I cast "Tireless march" on him.
I rush the bell tower in Farmstead VII. There are swamps in the direction in which I want to expand, so I use Raise Land to make room for a monument.
This is a very valuable spot: gold, crystal, iron, and of course, the Water power node
Turn 118: "Armor" completes. I target "Alliances".
Citadel finishes the blacksmith, and starts building an armorer.
I rush the monument in Farmstead VII, and start building an air altar.
I settle Conclave II in the center of the Northern Wastes. I cast Enchanted Hammers and Set in Stone to maximize production, rush a logging camp, and start building a workshop.
Jack kills some ice wargs, travels to Altar's territory, and sells his loot.
I rush the school in Farmstead III and start training a pioneer, because I need an outpost to link Conclave II to my dominion.
Growth 4 and production 48. Not bad for a city that's five turns old.
Turn 119: Farmstead I finishes the school, and starts a bakery.
Farmstead II finishes the Earth shrine, and starts a bakery.
Conclave I finishes the apothecary, and start building a garden.
Bacco starts governing Conclave II.
I rush the pioneers in Farmstead III, and start building a festival.
I rush the workshop in Conclave II, and start building a bell tower.
Jack kills a garotte, reaches level 20, and learns "Strength".
I rush the Air altar in Farmstead VII, and start building a merchant.
Janusk ventures out of Farmstead VII, finds a copy of "Tandis vs Talux", and goes back to governing.
The Jacks of no trade, after 30 years of expansion
Turn 120: Farmstead IV finishes the market, and start training a pioneer.
Farmstead V finishes the mason, and starts building a lumber yard.
Farmstead VI finishes the town hall, and starts building a mason.
Bacco ventures out of Conclave II, finds a shortbow, and goes back to governing.
Jack finds a pair of ophidian scale gauntlets, and sells the fireball and air elemental scrolls.
I rush the merchant in Farmstead VII, and start building a study.
I rush the bell tower in Conclave II, and start building a monument on top of the Paraudrah. (the Water power node)
I dispel the "Inspiration" enchantment on Citadel, and cast "Set in Stone" instead. I want to speed up the construction of the Armorer and Command post.