How many weapon points did you put on your one Nomada?
4 weapons, 40 hardpoints for turbolaser and ion guns weapons divided at front, left and right banks. One for the beam laser and over 12 for the weapon from screenshot.
The Eclipse MKII will be this. Most of the people only know the MKI.
Other addition will be the vengeance but I have plans for edit the old Evillejedi model, I want make it more as the Jedi Knight design.
These are the Sovereign and Legacy.
After how all these units will be builded, specially by the IA. I have been thinking one thing after my test playing the game, perhaps it can be added as a tree, first the titan is builded, if it has a ability for spawn a new unit or a group of them, it will be used automatically by the IA (always), with this method one unit can be spawn all the others and because the titan is unique, you would not see these units too repeated around the map. Of course, even for the IA these units would not be free but if the spawn ability is added at one unit, always you will see the spawned unit, if not probably you will not see it.
About the empire titan, I will add the Death Star but I would like it with three phases, starting with the prototipe and finish with the Death Star II as new upgrades if it can be made as the starbase.
For finish I have a small question. Is there a limit with the amount of hangars by unit?