I recommend a look into the awesome Sins Data spreadsheet from Mallek3 for such an similar questions:
I looked up some information for you already:
TargetCountPerBank_BACK: (How many different targets can be attacked into this direction at the same time?)
Ankylon Titan: 2
Ragnarov Titan: 1
Coronata Titan: 4
Eradica Titan: 4
Vorastra Titan: 4
Kultorask Titan: 4
TargetCountPerBank_FRONT (How many different targets can be attacked into this direction at the same time?)
Ankylon Titan: 2
Ragnarov Titan: 1
Coronata Titan: 4
Eradica Titan: 4
Vorastra Titan: 4
Kultorask Titan: 4
TargetCountPerBank_LEFT OR RIGHT (How many different targets can be attacked into this direction at the same time?)
Ankylon Titan: 3
Ragnarov Titan: 2
Coronata Titan: 3
Eradica Titan: 3
Vorastra Titan: 3
Kultorask Titan: 2
Total Weapon DPS Back (All Banks)
Ankylon Titan: 42,5714285714 (Aft beams are weaker than frontal beams)
Ragnarov Titan: 36,978021978 (The backside is a lot less deadly than the frontal firepower.... still hurts quite good.)
Coronata Titan: 146,1212121212 (Yes, the Coronata has the deadliest backward firepower. )
Eradica Titan: 17,4545454545 (Eradica very vulnerable backwards.... assuming you survive Chastic Burst.... )
Vorastra Titan: 12,7272727273 (Quite unimpressive, but then try to outmanuever an Vorastra first....)
Kultorask Titan: 62,7272727273 (Not bad)
Total Weapon DPS Front (All Banks)
Ankylon Titan: 45,7589285714 (Weakest frontal firepower... dont expect to kill much with the beams.)
Ragnarov Titan: 150,0549450549 (Contrary to popular belief the Ragnarov has not the highest frontal firepower. It however focuses all of that firepower on a single target, making it an exceptional lethal focus fire vessel.
Coronata Titan: 216,4289044289 (What ever issues the Coronata has... lack of firepower is not one of them. Divided upon up to 4 targets.
Eradica Titan: 291,1981351981 (Ouch... especially with Strengh of the fallen.... on the other hand it cannot focus that damage on a single target, considerable lowering its real performance against singular hard targets.)
Vorastra Titan: 179,9545454545 (Yes, thats right, the Vorastra outguns the Ragnarov. And if there is only one target in range it will focus all of its frontal firepower onto it, making it a quite lethal ship at point blank range.
Kultorask Titan: 193,7622377622 (Nothing to sneeze at, but divided upon 4 targets and so somewhat less deadly against other Titans.
Total Weapon DPS Left OR RIGHT (All Banks)
Ankylon Titan: 99,0194805195 (Like an old fashioned naval battleship, the Ankylon dishes out most of its punishment with broadsides.)
Ragnarov Titan: 73,3968253968 (Heavy Gaus turrets and thundering AC fire make sure that if the enemy stays outside of the rail guns scope is still quite painful to be close to the Ragnarov.
Coronata Titan: 13,0909090909 (The Coronata is quite vulnerable from its sides.... but then you probably have Supression Aura anways so...)
Eradica Titan: 65,0909090909 (The Eradics supreme performance as a combat ships comes not only from Chastic Burst but alos from having excellent coverage.... there is just no place that put your ships reasonably out of harms way.
Vorastra Titan: 89,9242424242 (Not bad.... for a ship that outguns a Ragnarov on frontal already. Although you rarely will get a good side view of it anyway.)
Kultorask Titan: 49,8181818182 (Unimpressive..... but then the Kultorask does not decide battles with its firepower.
Total Weapon DPS (All Weapons, All Banks) (This is the theoretical maximum firepower of the Titan at level 1. It would require that the ship is totally surrounded an could fire all if its weapon at the same time)
Ankylon Titan: 286,3693181818 (Actually the Ankylons total firepower isnt that bad .... it just usually cannot use more than 25 % of it and this it what makes it perform so poorly)
Ragnarov Titan: 333,8266178266 (Not only does the Ragnarov outgun the Ankylon, it does also have better coverage .... allowing it to use arround 50 % of its firepower when the Anklyon can only use 25 % of it.
Coronata Titan: 388,7319347319 (It weapons may luck graphically unimpressive.... but they certainly do hurt.
Eradica Titan: 438,8344988345 (Death by merciless beam spam in all directions. )
Vorastra Titan: 372,5303030303 (The Vorastra can dish out some serious punishment)
Kultorask Titan: 356,1258741259 (Not bad.)
Max Level Total Weapon DPS (All Weapons, All Banks) (This is the theoretical maximum firepower of the Titan at level 10. It would require that the ship is totally surrounded an could fire all if its weapon at the same time)
Ankylon Titan: 558,4201704545
Ragnarov Titan: 718,3948815629
Coronata Titan: 758,0272727273
Eradica Titan: 855,7272727273
Vorastra Titan: 726,4340909091
Kultorask Titan: 694,4454545455
All of those are more or less theoretical values, so now lets compare how much firepower the Titans can throw against a single enemy under normal circumstances:
Ankylon Titan: 99,0194805195
Ragnarov Titan: 150,0549450549 (Yes, the Ragnarov has 50 % more effective firepower than the Ankylon.... but it is only arround 20 % less durable.
Coronata Titan: 216,4289044289
Eradica Titan: 45,33333333333 (Against very large targets only 2 beams can be used. Compensated by Chastic Burst and excellent coverage.... it wont kill your Titan or starbase fast, but it effortlessy will fry anything other in range.
Vorastra Titan: 179,9545454545 (In 1v1 the Vorasta does outgun the Ragnarov... however add just a few ships to the TEC fleet and the damage gets divived by 2, giving the Ragnarov the upper hand.
Kultorask Titan: 193,7622377622