Quoting DirtySanchezz,
reply 5
quoting postIs it because game is bad??? I do not think so.
As difficult as it may be to accept, we might have to face the fact that the game just doesn't have much staying power for 99% or 99.5% of the people who purchase it. It may not be an ICO issue. It's possible that the game is great, but that there aren't enough gamers out there with the interest or mental acuity needed to like it and/or that the game itself really just isn't that compelling compared to other offerings.
There is also the issue that only a minority of people actually ever attempts to play online. Many people are quite happy with SP only.
Quoting JustAnotherName,
reply 7
This is a multiplayer game and its boring playing single player. However , as we can see, ICO is horrible in terms of latency or interface or features.
We are in 2013 now....and a multiplayer online game still do not have a proper match up feature...thats disappointing.
If ICO is similar to battlenet...i'm very sure we have lots more players.
Is it? I would claim that a large majority of people who bought it are more SP focused - like in most games. They may not frequent this forums as often as the MP people do, but they probably are the silent majority.
As for ICQ being horrible.... I strongly disagree!
The people who bitch about ICQ have NEVER seen a truelly bad online system.... Seriously you have no idea what kind of shit other companies - with 10 times the budget - delivered in the past.
And while ICQ certainly could use a few fancy features, lets not forget what the first and foremost duty of any online service is.
To connect players successfully to others. Without problems and illogical connectivity issues that drive everyone nuts because you can never be sure if a game will work out.
There are games that have terrible connectivity issues.... so if players A B C D E F G want to play they hav to join A D C F G E in the hope it might work today Or maybe today the game demands that they connect A D C E G F today... expect random issues like this to plague you. So have fun for half an hour trying to get everyone connected.
Compared to such things..... ICO is holy.I dont remember having any trouble joining any game I want to ever.
ICQ may not be fancy and spectacular but
it gets the job done! Connecting you to other players without issues.
That doesnt mean it has no room for improvement, but to claim it is horrible is ridicolous and uncalled for.
If ICQ would be like battlenet I do not think there would be any reasonable larger ammount of players online. The large majority of people who dont play online choose to do so because of lack of interest.
And if you are not interested in online MP, not the best online system of the world, is going to change that.
No match up feature is going to help you if there are not enough players online. If there are 3 noobs and 3 pros online you can match make all day.... you wont get a - balanced 3v3, if you understand my point.
Yes, when there is high activity on ICQ, a few more features would be nice. But they are not imperative, because you will survive searching a fitting game for 2 minutes.
Quoting ZliMojsije,
reply 8
ICO could definitively use a little patching from time to time...the minidumps are pain in the ass...
Minidumps seem to be a game problem with certain system configurations. They are not necessarly related to multiplayer.
As for Lag:
ICQ uses P2P matchmaking.
That means, the server (=ICO) does very little once the game is started. So any lag you may have in MP comes from
other players having a slow connection
on or more player CPUs being stressed to the limit due to the scale of the game.
Both of which Ironclad cant really do much about, as the first one is beyond their control and the second one does require a full engine rewrite from scratch. (Multi core support, 64 bit support)
Now, I am certain that if you send Frogboy 30 million € in cash, they could do the necessary engine rewrite.... so you could enjoy your lag in 64 Bit because the other guy is downloading porn in the background! [e digicons][/e]
Quoting Turchany,
reply 10
Quoting Greg30007, reply 9If so many of those 700+ were noobs yes occasionally they got lost and they walked into skilled game and got kicked from it or if they managed to play it they got creamed but there were plenty of noobs only games hosted during that time.
I do not believe chasm between skilled and noobs is reason why crowds did not stay.
It's so strange that ALL of them got lost in some weeks.. i wonder what is the true explanation of it..
Most probably loss of interest. They might try a few MP games and then - aside from being steamrolled - find out that the pace of the game does not fit their way of playing.
Quoting Turchany,
reply 12
there isn't even anything to measure player skill, even win loss ratio means almost nothing, and played games number is not so reliable as good number in both can be achieved by playing against AI or just friends. First something should be done to measure player skills but this would be too complicated I think..
The games played tab is a rough indicator.
I could imagine that an display of that number in the lobby without having to click the player would be an easy to implement feature that would help the MP crowd, because balancing teams gets a little bit easier and faster.
We, as the MP crowd should be very grateful to the developers for supporting their game in such a awesome manner. Support like shown here is highly unusual nowadays, especially for the minority of players that focus on MP.