Can I suggest an idea for another game. Now before I start I also think that spore is one of the worst games made. In the civilization the stradegy elements sucked. In the space stage it wasn't a stradegy, but was trying to be an Rpg. Spore forgot two things one was that as a computer game and not a nintendo game. This is one thing I can think that they didn't take into account. Which means that the gaming industry is far behind compared to the computer world, because spore forgot to compete against its compeptors; unless they really thought all they needed was graphics. Spore really stopped being a game after the creature stage.
Some of the competors against spore to my opinion is Sins of a solar empire, empire earch, rise of nations, Shattered suns, Civworld. Distant worlds, Starcraft 2, Even world of warcraft. Spore forgot about its competitors out there.
I would like spore to be a complete Rts game.
I think u should include the ability to make fish in stage 5 in the cell stage. Otherwise good.
In the creature stage I think when u wake up the other creatures that r around u that is the same species should still be the priar one considering that u would be the first. As far as making animals this was great, but I don't want to be an expert at this to make aliens. I think the option on addinng stuff should be a little more alien oriented. I noticed that people wanted the human option to make.
In the tribal stage it should include elements from the prehistoric era of empire earth and virtual village mainly concentrating on tech research, also if u befriend a species instead of killing them then this should also be represented in the following stages instead of joining your species. Otherwise the 2 species would change by growing together, or there r multiple species of humanoids on your planest.
In the civilization stage I would rather like to see it like civworld, empire earth 3, rise of nations, or a misture of these. I think that the clothing should change based on the eras spore forgot this. I don't mind customised stuff, but there were some problems with this. Your things would change based on what u are doing and how advanced u r. If u were going to customise this they didn't do enough to the point it were better not to do this. Different things look different, and do different things. Instead of picking a vehicle, boat, or plane. I would say it would be better to pick my units, and have several upgrade options based on techs, or u would have to include a lot more stuff to customise. For tanks, planes, and the like I think Galactic civilizations has the best option which is U have a certain amount of points for the container, and then fill them up with weapons depending on the tech u research.
In the space stage don't take away my planet, but make this a Rts game instead. The graphics were fine, but where was the game. I would like to make this comparable to shattered suns or sins of a solar empire. I also would add a customisability option like on Galactic civilizations. I think the game would make a nive Rts instead of what it was.
I would like to see this game out there, so I hope u would consider making this also.