ATTENTION: Please refrain from editing your bug reports afterwards, please make a new post instead. Otherwise you risk that newly added information is overlooked.
Here is a list of bugs I noticed so far.
Feel free to post your bugs, too, I will edit this topic accordingly.
Current Patch: 1.51
Last update of the list: Monday 24. June 2013, 21:28 CEST
Oceanic Planet Population upgrade error
10 - 30 - 280 - 250 - 140
Looks like somebody couldnt stand the stale air anymore and opened the windows....
Wail of the Sacrificed - Second upgrade does not increase damage, neither in description nor in infocard.
Listed damage = always 5
New occupation planet doesn't render properly...upper third doesn't match with the rest of the planet....
Easy fix, just use the terran 2 mesh and add the 4th point (the flair that adds the structure on top)....haven't seen any in-game problems with this fix...
Population upgrades + Population research + Specialisation causes very odd numbers. For example a terran planet is stated to be upgraded to over 1000 population, this is not happening and it is only arround 700. Recommendation: Take a sharp look into the file/code part that calculates population, it seems quite off... not just on terrans.
Fleet supply for all Envoy cruisers has been decreased from 8 to 4 - not in game.
String is still missing in map designer for ferrous planet (can't remember if it's fair or not)... (Competive or not competive version)
Fixed according to Yarlen here
Planet Bonus Bug:
Hm I have found another planet bonus that does not show everything it actually does, but it is written with words.. Planetary pollution decreases allegiance by 5% but it is nowhere written, I can only guess from the max allegiance value.. I think every planetary bonus that changes allegiance have this problem, they do not show the amount of which they change allegiance with.. Only mentioned in the description with words that it does something with it.
I've noticed this in game with Reanimation. Before it's researched a reanimated ship will pop into and out of existence.
This is happening because the chance to clone base value is 5%- but the duration base value is 0.
researchFloatModifiers 2
modifierType "ChanceToTemporarilyCloneEnemyFrigateWhenKilled"
baseValue 0.050000
perLevelValue 0.050000
modifierType "ChanceToTemporarilyCloneEnemyFrigateWhenKilledDuration"
baseValue 0.000000
perLevelValue 300.000000
Ive ran into a 1.51 bug. the AI is completely broken, atleast for me.
Custom map, layout is multi-system, 4 enemies, 2 allies, set locations and planet bonuses and artifacts using all forbidden worlds stuff.
game was great in 1.5 patch, huge armies, hard AIs, ive killed a dozen titans and a hundred capital ships and lesser ones in 2-3 hours.
patch 1.51 is installed, AI does nothing in new game, using the same custom map, minor mod (adding more strikecraft to titans, and making them 10x longer to build). 2 1/2 hours in im angry ai hasn't attacked, ive almost completely maxed out research and colonization, got huge defenses, waiting for them to invade for some epic battles. nothing happens, quit and load the game as an opponent:
it has 2 capital ships, 6 colonized worlds with almost no upgrades, no combat frigates or cruisers (all scout and envoy), and almost no research done, such as tier level one crap. this is a hard AI with 3 allies which are all hard too, and none of them have done anything in 2 1/2 hours!!
the same map, the same enemies, the same AI, the same setup in 1.5 accounted for battles with 100s or ships, titans, and dozens of capital ships repeatedly in the same amount of time. I had thousands of destroyed enemy ships when I won the other game.
The AI does nothing, so took a generic game map, added abunch of star bases on a chokepoint planet and titans, lots of cash, started the game, used the map, vicious ai enemies, upgraded all my starbases and researched all the military upgrades on quene, then left the game running for 6 hours.
came back and not much had happened. no destroyed starbases, 4 titans in the 5-8 range of experience. loaded the game as an enemy, huge fleet doing nothing, somewhere close to 400 ships between 4 AIs at one planet. reloaded, and they never attacked in an hour.
tried with mods, without, generic maps, custom maps, different races, different levels, and the AI consistenly does absolutely nothing??? games are completely meaningless, the AI does nothing. my allied ones, do even less, in 2 1/2 hours a Vasari medium occupied 3 planets and had built no ships or anything, like all it did was research cause in that time it offered me every level of diplomacy pacts, but had built nothing???
the 1.5 patch was supposed to make AI use 50% of income on ships, well with 1.51 they use 1% of their income on ships, and don't do anything at all???
Quoting Omega549, reply 52
That sounds like the same bug that Uncle_Joe and me have reported. Or at least related.
Quoting Ravagus, reply 53 Quoting Omega549, reply 52 <snip> That sounds like the same bug that Uncle_Joe and me have reported. Or at least related.
Please send a zipped save game that repros this with v1.51 (without mods) to
bclair (at) stardock (dot) com
so we can investigate.
Not sure if it is bug or by design, but I am reporting it here because it has quite a bad impact on AI performance.
AI Titan craving. Observed under _dev.exe. When AI has a Titan at the top of its build queue, it will not build any frigates (and capital ship; but I have seen a case where a cap ship is put ahead of the titan in the queue). Sometimes the AI is bottlenecked by insufficient fleet command points or lack of titan factory and these are not immediately queued when AI is craving for a Titan. This causes the AI player to not building any ships for sometimes a very long period of time (30 min+). Even if Titan build requirements are satisfied, the AI does not start building frigates until the Titan is completely finished, causing further delays.
Suggestions: 1. let AI push titan down the build queue when build requirements not met. 2. let AI prioritize fleet command and titan factory when craving for a titan. 3. let AI build frigates when Titan is being constructed.
I have seen on a normal terran planet, that with full social you should reach 2k+ pop, but you only get like 700-1k or so...
So....thought it a little strange that the ferrous planet is under random uncolonizable in the GSD....
The population growth part of the social upgrades are still bugged. I timed the population growth for the various stages and they were all the same population/sec
pop change |
seconds |
pop/sec |
growth rate |
10 |
78 |
0.128 |
0.1 |
20 |
158 |
0.127 |
0.1 |
70 |
541 |
0.129 |
0.2 |
90 |
698 |
0.129 |
0.2 |
90 |
500 |
0.180 |
0.2 |
The last row is the only one that is faster, I was playing Vasari and did the nanomedicine research before starting the last social upgrade. I was playing an fastest settings on a random medium map with a terran homeworld. I upgraded my HW and there were no artifacts present.
BrushResarchWindowArrow1 does not work.
Very small bug, but it seems that the brush ResearchWindowArrowUp1 doesn't work. If you create research that has a prerequisite one space below it, you get a "no arrow found" error, even though there's a brush for it, and a graphic for it in the texture file.
Edit: Yep, the line Up1 "ResearchWindowArrowUp1" is missing from ResearchScreen.window, but adding it in throws up a different error (Missing Text Archive Label).
Advent Phase Missile block technology not working properly (And needs a major buff, preferably without culture)
I posted a bug report here:
about Advent culture research not having any effect on phase missiles.
Though technically it's not a Forbidden Worlds bug as it seems it has been present quite a while.
Also see this topic:
Advent Phase block technology unimpressive
Eradica Titan not spawning Unyielding Will properly? Or just disabled by Disruption Matrix on Ankylon Titan? Can a passive be disabled by it? Should it?
I was playing a game tonight, and I had a level 7 Eradica titan that was about to be destroyed. It had 1 point in Unyielding Will. With one last chastic burst, it got up to level 8, and I quickly put another point into Unyielding Will so that it would be stronger when it turned invincible. However, less than a second after I did so, the titan was destroyed. It turned white, but it just disappeared like any other unit would. It's possible that its abilities were disabled by the TEC Loyalist titan, but I thought passive abilities were unaffected by disabling abilities (e.g. corvettes' on-hit effects in a magnetic cloud).
Phase Jumping Orkulus Starbase does display wrong error message when there is no phase stabilizer node.
Instead of saying "No phase stabilizer there" it says "There is already a starbase in that gravity" well, even if there is not one.
Social population grow rate not improved?
There appears to be a bug with the social population growth rate upgrade. I colonized two terran planets at the same time and upgraded one with all the social upgrades and the other with all the industrial upgrades. The population of both planets grew exactly the same even after all the social upgrades were done. They both reached 220 population at the same time.
Greenhouse planet might have its picture shifted off...
Maw is not limited to how many ships it can suck in.
Normal or Easy AI opponents doesn't seem to be able to handle more stronger defended neutral worlds.
The DLC adds more stronger defended neutral worlds and the Normal AI seems to have at them a couple of times and then give up building ships. Might be the same bug where the AI opponents doesn't do anything.
Ocean Planet didn't show Specialization buttons.
When I clicked one of my specialization max upgraded ocean planets the specialization buttons weren't there. Solved it by clicking on a couple other of my planets. I only encountered this once and haven't been able to duplicate it.
AI using large scouts fleet in late game.
Unsure if its a bug or bad AI design. Here I am about 5hours into a game, me my ally and 1 enemy left. I've conquered half the system, and my AI partner (Hard Aggressor) keeps spamming his scout frigates. Like half of his fleet is composed of scouts. <-- screencap.
Not sure if it's a 'bug', but the AI isn't doing anything on 'Normal' level.
I'm playing 1v1 on the default random Tiny map. And 2 games in a row, it's essentially done nothing (first game was with beta, one today was with official patch).
It's colonized a bit, but the ONLY ships I've seen are Colony Frigates and 2 Sova-Class Carriers. That's it. Nothing else. I just launched an attack on their homeword and both carriers bugged out leaving absolutely nothing to defend.
Looking at the stats, it really didn't do much at all.
Choosing industrial specialisation causes overpopulation to go BOOOM.
How to create bug:
Start a new game with you having a terran capital world.
Select industrial specialisation.
When the upgrade for industrial specialisation is completed, the planet losses population. = Intended.
That intended population loss, causes an graphic explosion on the planet, like it was hit by orbital bombardement.
Researching population upgrades (Civic Design for example) increases the problem.
The citizens that leave the now industrial planet leave the planet with a big explosion.
Might be hardcoded? Basically the planet is loosing population. And it does so with an explosion.
When choosing industrial specialisation, the planet should loose population, this is working as intended.
However, that loss of population should not have a explosive graphic effect.
Still have the cavern picture for many of the diplomacy era planet bonuses...
The night lights do not rotate at the same speed the dwarf planet spins...this results in the night lights oscillating between being on the dark side and being on the sunny side...
Wrong Planet Bonus
for example
PlanetBonusDenseCore => floatBonus:ModuleBuildRatePerc 0.660000
which should be Value "The dense, iron core at the center of this planet vastly expands its gravity well."
PlanetBonusFusionPowerCore =>floatBonus:PlanetUpgradeBuildRatePerc 0.050000
which should be Value "A fusion power core facility is discovered, allowing for faster construction of orbital facilities."
and wtf
PlanetBonusTraderMining => floatBonus:GravityWellRadiusPerc 0.400000
which should be Value "An abandoned Trade Order metal mine is located, bringing online an additional constructor and increased metal extractor yields."
have no patience to find more
MULTI MONITOR TROUBLE - Did not reproduce inhouse?
Here's the original post from the game release back in June 2012, posted in this thread by another user:
"I have 2 Monitors, and when I scroll in the direction of the Second monitor, instead of keeping the cursor inside the first monitor (Window the game is in) it allows the mouse to escape and never actually scrolls to the right in the game."
I had the same issue with 2 monitors, and now have the same issue with 3 monitors.
I'm surprised that you "weren't able to reproduce this". Please try again.
Move your mouse out of the middle screen to your right or left monitor. Instead of the cursor hitting the edge of the middle monitor and moving the screen, the cursor goes to the next monitor and if you are clicking as you are moving, the game minimizes and you are back to your desktop.
This bug was recognized at launch...
Thank you for looking into this.
Quoting ReadyMan, reply 26Did you ever fix the multiple monitor bug (where the mouse pointer travels beyond the center monitor to the 2nd and 3rd monitor)?
Right after release this was stated as a known bug and I got an email stating that this would be addressed.
But it didnt/hasnt been yet....
Haven't played Rebellion much at all because of this and regret that I pre-ordered it.
No, we weren't able to reproduce it in-house.
AI does put bounty on teammates instead of hostile human players.
Me and a mate was playing a 2 vs 2. We was on the same team, and we was playing against 2 AI's. Now, at the start of the game, which I assume is because the AI hasn't spotted our location, they kep placing bounties on themselves, instead of on us who was the enemy. This made us both laugh out loud. They was on the same team.
Yarlen: If Teams aren't set to Locked, players are free to break their initial alliances.
Turchany: not just break, but they can put bounty on their "allies" too if teams are unlocked.
Vasari Rebels Orkulus Starbase Phase Jumping does not work without having a phase stabilizer node.
Vasari Rebel: Unable to phase jump Starbases. After you have researched the requirements in order to phase jump the mobile Starbase, when you attempt to move the Starbase to another planet it will not. The Starbase, when ordered, cancels any movement order when you tell it to phase jump to another planet. It responds the same, before, and after the research. Building a Starbase after the research is complete has no effect either.
If this was intended, then the description of the Vasari Rebels needs to be updated to reflect this, as well as have the research removed.
With the very intresting part where it says:
- Starbase Mobilization now only allows Starbases to phase jump between active phase nodes.
Next time, actually read the patch notes.
Unity Mass does not do chaining damage...