Weather is not the same as climate. Climate changes do cycle. There have been several ice ages, and several warmer interludes. Are we in another interglacial interlude? I don't know - nor does it probably matter to me, or any of our descendents.
Variations in our distance from the sun, albedo of the earth, percentage of ice cover, cloud cover, minor variations in orbit, etc., all affect the amount of total energy from sun that remains in the biosphere/troposphere (yada) of Earth. Energy in, energy reflects, radiates out. This is the energy balance re: solar energy hitting the earth. Sometimes volcanoes spew out enough ash and smoke to cover enough of the planet to cool things down a bit. But, additionally, has our species modified this energy balance in any way? Probably.
Eons ago, the advent of plant life (photosynthesis) added Oxygen to a planetary atmosphere that had little. Its now about 20-21%. Changes in the composition of the atmosphere change the energy balance as well. Additionally, we, as a species, have been releasing massive amounts of carbon based energy from 'fossil fuels.' We have also added energy via nuclear fission processes. Does all this additional energy released by our species get immediately and totally vented outside our atmosphere? Or does in accumulate in the water and air, thus adding energy to the weather? I think it takes time to get vented totally. Some places are colder / hotter now than they were in the recent past. That is weather.
The climate, however, does seem to have storms that are incrementally more powerful (having more energy). We have added a bit of energy to the system. Seems to be that is the definition of global warming. Whether or not the natural cycles are moving earth into a warmer period, or not, is irrelevant. Our species is modifying things on a planetary scale - and those modifications result in more energy being added to, and remaining longer, in the biosphere/troposphere (yada). That is global warming - no matter what label you put on it, or how one rationalizes their choices.
Good news; Earth will be just fine. We can do our worst - and the worst result, for humans, will be to modify planet earth into a state where we don't survive. Making the planet a global midden will toxify earth to the point where humans can't live here anymore. But Earth will do fine. New species will evolve to fill the niches we vacate. New species will evolve to fill the new niches created by our global garbage dump. Perhaps our name, 'wise apes' is premature. Intelligence has short term survival value, for sure. But intelligence seems to have a negative when it comes to planet wide species survival. How wise are the current hominids on earth? Profits are the new prophets. But are we wise enough?