Oh look, another appeal to authority...
It's pointless, I've done it before after all, but I'm waiting on a response for work and have nothing better to do.
Lets just pretend these aren't pseudo government agencies who depend on funding by people trying to get control of every facet of the economy for purposes of their own greed. Lets also pretend that there really is near unanimous support amongst scientists that the planet has been warming, and that people are causing some of it.
If I were asked "Has the planet been warming over the last couple centuries, and do humans have anything to do with it?" I would say yes.
Every national academy of science agreeing with me doesn't make CO2 the leading factor in a precipitous climate change that will result in doom and gloom. Urban island heat effects have an impact on our global temperature, it's positive. Deforestation has an impact on our global temperature, it's positive. Dust particulates in the air from manufacturing settling on ice and making it dirty has an impact on our global temperature, it's positive.
CO2 might have a positive impact as well, but since none of the data actually shows any significant trends beyond those that came before the industrial era, it's about as likely a significant contribution as the hair on my ass is. There's a lot of it, sure, but it doesn't really accomplish much in the big picture.
The support for AGW is overblown, based on surveys where they ask questions similar to the one above, of people who have far less information than I do. If you send Bob, from Rhode Island, a data set from GISS showing temperatures are going up, and an explanation from NASA explaining why CO2 is causing it, then ask bob if he thinks CO2 might be contributing to the rise in temperature, odds are Bob is just going to say yes. Bob isn't going to spend a thousand hours studying the problem to determine if the information he was sent is a load of bullshit to prop up receding funding, or the personal agenda of the radical environmentalist running the division. A "scientist" is just Bob with a B.S. in BS.
The vast quantities of Earth science majors do not study climate science, they are gainfully employed doing things that matter, like finding oil, predicting the weather next week, or teaching a bunch of earth conscious morons to go into the same dead end field they picked themselves, because shit, all they could get with their climatology degree was a teaching job! They didn't make a job of it when they were receiving their training, and they don't make a job of it in their career.
The information you're supposing they actually know all about and can give an expert opinion on, making what some douche bag convention statement says matter, is less relevant to them than who's running the government, and odds are they can't even recognize anyone beyond the President.