Let's face it people...ADVENT ARE WEAK...
First we have the disciple problem...I mean, these babies are absolute shit these days, they can't even kill a damn starbase without exploding everywhere and just failing in general...I even hear they sometimes act like confused sperm when chasing caps, but maybe I'm thinking of a different faction...
Anyway, it doesn't change the fact that Advent are pretty lame...all the other factions have good capital ships to lead with...TEC can lead with a marza that shoots green shit at enemies or lead with an akkan that shoots blue shit at enemies...Vasari have a giant egg that just splodes over everything with nanites or gravity stuff...Advent have what, a stupid capital ship that has giant hands go boogly woogly or something, so lame...oh, it also recharges shields, which I guess is pretty useful after all....
Except it's not, cause of stupid phase missiles...why even bother putting shields on ships when your enemy has weapons that bypass shields? That's like wearing bullet proof vests to counter an enemy that throws egg at your face...you should be wearing a helmet, not body armor! Which is why Advent need PM blocking, not these silly shield techs (which look kind of metro since they are all pink, and if we learned anything from W8 it's that metro SUX)...
Also Advent economy is atrocious....I mean, if you are Advent and end up being eco, you might as well just rush HCs cause you are never going to be able to feed anyone...which brings up another weakness of Advent, culture....really, what's the point of culture? Culture should like cause planets to revolt and join you or something...we are talking about a faction that can make a freaking giant eye appear above planets and have giant hands push things in outer space...I hear Advent even can cause whole populations to kill themselves...you'd think they could at least capture planets with culture or something...
And then there's that love cannon...it's like a cross between a potato gun and a carebear without the potato or the bear...it's super lame, I wouldn't even build them if they were free because I'd be better off filling my tactical slots with AM rechargers to beef up my shitty disciples...
And then to make matters worse, Advent ships just look....girly...I mean seriously, starfish? What, did the makers of Toy Story design the advent fleet or something? And then that envoy, it's like Aladdin's slipper...every time I build one I just wait for Robbin Williams to start singing about Prince Ali...and don't even get me started about what the Eradica looks like, how sad is it that I have to have my poor children sit in the other room while I play sins because it has adult content in it....
Anyway it's pretty much a consensus by the pros that Advent are just terrible these days...I'd put up replays showing how shitty they are except I get a runtime error every game...
Bottom line is advent need a buff and I think Unity Mass should do chaining damage...it would pretty much solve all the above problems, including some I didn't mention like the fact that martyrdom's stacking limit of 1 and the autocast condition means the ability doesn't work (seriously, you ruined the best ability in the game)...