I don't really want to derail a productive discussion here, but I just have to respond to Seleucia's ridiculous post:
Quoting Sinkillr, reply 8No offense Seleucia, but I've only seen you play a few times in the past 6 months... I have definitely played more than that and I see tec rebel all the time... usually the lobby is just Tec Rebel vs Vasari Loyalist... Never seen vasari rebel, unless it was a random pick...
Just cause you don't see me doesn't me I don't play...I could flip the table and say I have only seen you a few times in the past 6 months, what meaning does that have? None...I've seen grimm and nayru even less than I've seen you, but no one here would dare dream of using that as evidence they aren't skilled or knowledgeable....
Reading comprehension Seleuceia... Nowhere in this post does it talk about anybody's skill level... I'm still not sure how you interpreted it as a jab about your ability. It simply states that since you have played less games than me since the patch (FACT), I have more authority when I say vasari rebel is hardly played (more time in lobby, game, etc). Heck, even some random new player who has played a lot would have more authority than on this 90% of the "skilled"...
I really don't care what you or anyone has seen in the last 6 months, only what has been seen since v1.5x...since the v1.5 patch I seem a lot of TL and very little TR...just because your observations of player habits are different from mine doesn't mean my observations are wrong...
If I go play one game of sins and see all 10 players are using Advent Loyalist, does that mean that is the most popular faction?
"The larger the margin of error, the less confidence one should have that the poll's reported results are close to the "true" figures; that is, the figures for the whole population. Margin of error occurs whenever a population is incompletely sampled."
Since I have a MUCH larger sample size from which to gather data, my results have a lower margin of error than yours, making my claims more likely to be accurate (since it seems you hardly play any multiplayer). In fact, your margin of error is probably so high you might as well just say Vasari Loyalist is the least popular faction...
Explosive shot isn't nearly as damaging, and like scattershot only affects targets in front of the titan...having an ability combo that is still only limited to frontal targets is a huge weakness...in most cases, the only ships that are going to struggle to avoid the front of the ragnarov are carriers, which are the very ships least likely to be killed by the Ragnarov's "AoEs"...
??? Last time I checked, explosive shot deals double the damage of scattershot. You also seem to forget that explosive shot is most effective as a "first strike" ability, which is the moment when the ragnorav first jumps in and the enemy fleet has no time to do its fancy micro (huge range) and has no shield mitigation.
Quoting Sinkillr, reply 8Not only do you forget to mention that Snipe has triple the range of UM (which makes it harder to avoid), it also has half the cooldown of UM, which means it can be spammed quicker to kill enemy caps. Unity mass does have higher damage though, but its easily balanced by the fact that its damage is dependent on the number of ships surrounding it, which is definitely something that is easier said than done due to the game's horrid ai/pathfinding...
I will reiterate that the DPS of UM is superior to snipe...cooldown and damage per use are deceiving when looked at independently, you need to consider both at the same time...and quite honestly, the one with more damage and longer cooldown is the more devastating, because the target may retreat or move out of range after the first hit...you also have completely ignored AM in your comparison...UM is far more AM efficient...Ragnarov is a huge AM hog and at low levels is very limited by that...
Yeah, you are completely right on this point.
If microing around the ragnarov is so crippling to the damage your fleet does, how is that I have killed many Ragnarovs with pure LF or heavy LF fleets?
What is this BS about ragnoravs dying to mass LF? I grow tired of these claims about your/other's amazing micro prowess... To repeat a statement that you made earlier:
"Just because your observations of player habits are different from mine doesn't mean my observations are wrong..."
Whenever I see ragnoravs being brought onto the field, they usually rape masses of LF, flak, LRF, etc (anything low hp), even at level 1! In fact, the above comment about you defeating ragnorav with pure LF seemed so ludicrous I tested it with 250 supply of cobalts and 1 titan... The LFs' had all tier 1 upgrades while the Ragnorav had zero. Heres how it went down:
I micro the cobalts around the titan, taking great care to avoid the main gun. As a result, it only gets one instance of explosive shot (beginning, hits only 5 cobalts). The cobalts slowly deal damage to the titan while being blasted by its flak and gauss. The Ragnorav, after being brought down to 30% health, proceeds to level up to 2 and then rapes the cobalts... They could barely beat the health regen. I did this test three times and the results were consistent each time... I can provide replays, if you don't believe me.
Keep in mind a skilled player would probably at least got the tier two health upgrades for titan... and have a supporting fleet with hosiokos and frigates.
I challenge anybody to upload a replay of themselves defeating a ragnorav with LF with comparable fleet supply/upgrades... it simply cannot be done. Period. I don't care how good your micro is, as long as the titan player doesn't do anything stupid, the cobalts will lose every single time.
You also are just like cat, having to jab in a completely irrelevant detail to this conversation just to continue an argument from elsewhere....why would you even bring up the superiority of TEC HP and armor techs if you are trying to argue that TL is UP?
When did I ever argue TL was underpowered? You constantly seem to set up these straw man attacks against me, attacking positions that I have neither stated nor supported, all the while ignoring my main argument. I never even mentioned tec loyalist in any of my above posts. I was simply refuting your view that the tec rebel titan is the worst in the game, which is just an outlandish claim. ALso, the superiority of TEC HP and armor IS a relevant factor, as their cheap cost offsets the main weaknesses of the Ragnarov: its low survivability.
The Kultorask is extremely difficult to brute force with frigates precisely because nano leech is a tanking ability....unless you happen to kill the Kultorask between uses of nano leech (possible but incredibly difficult to do if it has any support at all), you are never going to drain it's AM and either have to retreat or focus on everything but the Kultorask (which just means you suffer more AoE damage)...either way, the Kultorask puts you in a tough spot...I will reiterate my previous point which I believe still stands, that if a frontliner is in the stage where their fleet is still mostly frigates, an eco or eco-fed enemy Kultorask really forces a winning frontliner to change tactics and probably run/retreat while the Ragnarov does not...
If the player is using bomber spam and/or corvettes then sure you're Kultorask is probably rather useless but the ragnarov is in the same boat...if you tell me the Ragnarov will be better at killing carriers because of its high damage "AoEs", I will remind you of nano leech + gravity which completely disables their movement and is a true AoE, not some silly frontal cone...
You are correct about the Kultorask being a tank. I typed without thinking. But you couldn't be more wrong in the latter half of your statement. ALL titans force a tech change toward heavier ships, whether they are carriers/caps/vettes/etc. Maybe not the ankylon, but thats a different story. Also, dissever is a level 6 ability. That means VR titan has zero (nano leech + gravity doesnt count) damage AOEs.
Even AR/AL/VL titans are vulnerable to bomber spam and corvettes, so your point in the 2nd paragraph is irrelevant. I would even argue that Ragnarov is probably more useful in chasing down carriers than any other titan (except vasari), because of snipe and explosive's huge range...
No one as far as I'm concerned is arguing nor could argue that the VL titan is anything but the best titan in the game...we are talking about whether the TR titan is the weakest or not, how is this at all related to the VL titan which is clearly not a contender for such a position?
And btw, if I was really on a hidden agenda to buff TEC, then what is all this?
Quoting Seleuceia, reply 2TEC Loyalists are balanced, they are fine, they do not need any buffing...
I guess just intentional misdirection, right?
You misunderstand me. My point was the devs should devote their time and energy to reducing the huge gap between VL titan and the others, instead of wasting their time to fix the extremely small gap between x,y,z titan.
Also, I meant Tec Rebel, not Loyalist.