BTW, how do you counter a Radiance that dares to theaten your beloved level 6 marza?
I had exactly this situation sometime ago when i was playing versus SheldonCooper or whatever their original nick is (400 wins on ICO out of 600 games). Both of us had 100 or so LFs, he had Prog and later built Radiance when he saw my marza getting close to lvl 6.
All you need to do: split your force and move the Marza around the gravity well, he will be forced to either leave the gravity well or send radiance to burn your Marza. Simply focus it with your LFs while kiting it around the well. It suffers from the Ragnarov effect somewhat and cant burn sideways either. You can also jump out if required but chances are his radiance would be low lvl, enough to die in a short time to LFS or whatever your fleet composition is.
Its possible that your enemy went Radiance as first cap, then you ll need to add something extra to your fleet( TEC Loyalist vettes etc) as cap would be around lvl 5 and hard to Focus Fire it down. But that doesnt happen very often and advent players of equal skill often lose with radiance opening vs marza opening early game.
Generally though and its true for all high lvl cap ships with LF spam games, is that you ll need to keep your force split or face the high risk of losing your capital ships before they can jump out. I ll have a look for that replay when im back home.
The Radiance could use some better forward firing damage for being a battleship- especially from the front beams. Other than that all 3 units seem to perform well
Yeah agreed, would be nice for Radiance to be on a Marza level but then Prog is so much more useful than an Akkan so... much of a muchness really.