TEC Loyalists
Ability: Disruption Matrix - Change over time damage per level from 40/50/60/70 to a flat 70/70/70/70. The increase in damage is handled by the finish condition.[/quote]
Partially agree. With always doing the same amount of damage, there is not much reason to get a higher level for it. The ability interupt works always, but the duration of the ability disable is way to short to justify higher levels imho.
TEC Rebel
Research: Refined Emitters - Change Damage Increase from one level of 5% to 2 levels of 7.5% (gives total laser damage upgrades to 35%).
That would not affect the Ragnarov, intended? Personally I would rather see a Rail gun buff..... those defense tree gaus upgrades make the main weapon of the Ragnarov such umimpressive in comparsion.
Ability: Animosity - Modify BuffTaunt from PrioritizeOldBuffs to PrioritizeNewBuffs (Actually makes Animosity dangerous)
Sounds good.
Ability: Psionic Scream - Modify BuffPsionicScreamAOESilence to include instantAction of DoInterrupt
Great idea!
Ability: Domination - Remove Corvette from constraint list (just seems pointless for an ultimate capable of stealing ONE ship)
Cant hurt.
Research: Assimilated Populace - Reduce level from 4 to 2 and place under Call of the Unity (free spot). This research should support early expansion which is not possible with it being a tier 4 research.
That would help to make the Advent Loyalist more dangerous in early game, I am in support.
Ability: Subjugating Assault - Increase experiencePercentageToAward to 100%. Add RestoreHullPointsPerc and RestoreShieldPointsPerc. As it is now you likely steal frigates for 50% experience to lose them back for 100% experience to original owner due to low health (you are after-all shooting them to steal them). See Boarding party ability for an example of restore shields and hull after stealing the unit.
Excellent idea, you already give the enemy XP with Corward Submission, altough that is at least a costly one.
Research: Mass Communion - Reduce level from 3 to 1. This is similar in nature to TEC's Modular Architecture but with less economic impact. Reducing the level would warrant actually researching it.
Cant harm.
Frigate: Skirmisher - This unit is severely undermatched compared to the other factions. Increase hull/shield and damage by 10%.
Maybe Orky rushing or digging in wont be so tempting anymore with a average LF. I am in support.
Bomber - This unit is severely overpowered. Decrease overall squad damage from 17.0888893 to 15.3800004. This would put Advent bombers out front followed by TEC then Vasari. Though the gap would quickly balance out with Vasari's cheaper and far more productive phase missiles. No more whining about phase missiles after this is done.
alternative: proposed by Greg30007
"I suggested replacement of weapon type on bombers with what vasari HC have. That way all races need to go trough shields If they decide to go bomber spam.
Imho the damage nerf you proposed would be to insignificant to make much of a difference without other major changes (better phase missile block technology, significant higher carrier cost and supply use).
I would prefer Greg30007 idea, that would fix the issue immediatly.
Ability: Disruptor Nanites - Reduce duration of passive regen from 5 minutes to 60 seconds.
Quoting Sinkillr,
You forgot to mention the disruptor nanites. It is part of the "dirty tricks" that makes vasari OP late game. The vasari HCs need a buff too, I think somebody did a test a couple months back that showed they were severely underpowered.
True, I've had trouble convincing Yarlen it's an issue.
The Ankylon Titan has a Ability disable for 17 seconds at most..... you cannot give a cheap, lousy turret something much more powerful. Vasari Defense is formidable enough, moving Orkies, Phase Stabilizer that allows to call in entire fleet for support, Hangar Defenses with phasic trap.
30 seconds duration... at most!
Ability: Desperation - This ability is far to powerful to be a passive. In fact if you look at the history of this ability it was originally two different abilities: Suffusion and Desperation. Suffusion the original damage dealing ability was AM based. They were merged at some point but left as the Desperation passive. This ability should be modified to be AM based similar to the original Suffusion ability or an AM drain type of ability might work too (BTW: the 1.5 change log apparently has this confused to as there is no 15 second finish condition in Desperation: Change Log: Desperation (Vorastra Titan) no longer affects Corvettes; duration decreased from 45 to 15.)
I agree
Ability: Maw - Fix it to target and destroy intended # of frigates.
Any change of a hotfix?
Research: Advanced NME Warheads - Decrease upgrade per level from 10% to 5%.
Absolutely... even with Bomber hopefully not having Phase Missiles in the future, Kanraks dont need a buff.
All for One: Decrease damage from 10% to 2.5% per allied empire present in the current gravity well.
Is this tech really causing problems?
Not yet, but if you think about it, the consequences are staggering. 40 % damage increase is huge and its not like Vasari have a firepower problem to begin with, even without phase missiles.
I'd like to see the engines on the Titan disabled when this ability is active.
Again, is the Kultorask's mobility really causing enough balance problems to justify this?
Uncertain at the moment..... rarely see VR online anymore.... although that could be due to the VL still being OP. I think the developers should first implement the other changes and then we can see if it is still a problem.
Own additional suggestions:
Grant small antimatter regeneration to Furios Defense, higher in own gravity wells. Reason: No other Titan can be drained so easily of antimatter and no other Titan suffers as heavily from it.
Advanced Maneuvering: Grant Loyalist a second level of it or at least increase Maneuvability of the Ankylon a bit, the smallest Titan should have a slight advantage in that field and it would also help it a bit from a balancing standpoint.
Increase arc of the Ankylon beams so that they can support the broadside lasers. E4X Mod already has a working version of it already and it does help a lot.
Compartmentalisation: Buff 20 % cost decrease to 40 %, starbases are still very expensive, reducing the real game impact of Twin Fortresses.
Remove Defensive Gaus turret upgrades or replace them with a Rail gun upgrade. Currently the Ragnarov has some impressive side damage for a frontloaded gun ship, as autocannons and gaus guns are usually supporting each other on the sides.
The rail gun itself doesnt do much more damage than the 8 puny gaus guns at the front. One does wonder why the even bothered with it, 2 gaus turrets more and they actually outgun the rail gun.
Give Advent a culture independent phase missile block technology that makes phase missiles a bonus and not a execution weapon for Vasari. Or nerf Phase missiles as described in the Vasari section.
Loyalist: Remove temple of communion alltogheter and replace with Global Unity. No point in building a temple, when you can have for free.
Rebel: Consider making the 1 strike craft Titan research into 1 squadron research instead, so that the Hangar defense would have 4 squadrons.
Nerf Phase Missiles.... I am serious.
Stilakus Subverter: Decrease shield mitigation harm from 10 % to 5 %. 10 % is an effective 30 % increase in firepower. Also, there is a bug, instead of allowing 25 % of phase missiles to bypass shields, it allows 25 % off ALL weapon fire trough the shields..... thats insane.
Think about reducing Orky movement speed
Reduce shield restore rate of "Power Surge" on the Kortul and/or reduce AM drain of the passive ability Disruptive Strike"
Civilian evacuations should create tax income from Titan, too.
SttC: If possible, an outside indication for stripping in process, would be nice for the enemy to know.
Nothing that has not been mentioned already.