Oops poor Briganat, fixed for next release. Looks like there was a bug with the Archangel too, that should be fixed next release also.
The next release will have quite a bit in it (4 new spellbooks)... but it's taking a bit longer than I hoped so I might do a minor patch first to fix up those bugs, not sure yet.
Thanks for the feedback & bug reports that's awesome.
Regarding the 1 per for the Lightbringer etc.... the way it works (and maybe I need to make it more obvious) is that i've made all the summons under the spell schools stackable... and (almost) all the summons in the path itself (such as the Lightbringer, Dragon, Angels etc) as 1 only. The reasoning is mainly that I don't want players to be able to just rely on the creatures in the summoner path.
The creatures in the spell schools are supposed to be the bread n butter... the line troops I guess. And the units in the summoner path (such as Angels... or the interesting units under the "Outer Planes" ability) are hopefully providing something a bit different, such as abilities that affect the whole army.. so support abilities or whatever. They are supposed to bring a bit more to the table than the line troop guys in the spell books.... hence they are special and 1 only each.
Now maybe it's not worked out exactly that way, but that was the idea behind it.
Regarding the Lightbringer ability specifically... for a while there in my own testing I just had another +1 level summon passive ability in that spot on the tree.... but it was too many boring passives in a row, so I added in that ability to break it up a bit.
I'd rather see higher upkeeps and no cap on any of the summons.
In principle I tend to agree with this, but I suspect it would give the Human player an even bigger advantage over the AI (I don't think the AI would handle it too well).
guardian angels however i agree are lacking, they are nothing compared to their evil cousins the angels of despair.
Hmmm yeah I like the Angel of Despair. Haven't really had the chance to use the Guardian Angel much... will take a look at him and maybe give him a boost of some sort next release. This sort of feedback is great because I'm not actually getting much time to play (too busy working on more mod stuff)... already made a few tweaks based on other feedback so thanks.