Wow, this thread is filled with ignorance. Also, insulting the devs? Really? The MP community is small as fuck but still they try to make the game balanced for the MP guys with regular patches etc. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. I never visit the forum because it is always filled with incessant whining by guys who don't know what they are talking about. I'll try to fix the misconceptions floating around. Time for a rant m8:
Vasari Bombers now fire plasma wave cannons (a-la Skarovas Enforcers) instead of phase missiles
A very bad change. Vasari Loyalist have gigantic wave damage boosts, up to 70%, while Vasari Rebel have big phase damage boost researchs. This means bombers can be better used by rebels, while enforcers can be better used by Loyalists. If you make this change, this means Vasari Loyalist have better bombers, and better heavy cruisers. They already have better fighters, because fighters use beams and VL can increase damage by 40%, while VR can only increase beam damage by 20%. This would increase the gap between Vl and VR even more. (People pick VL 90% of time online)
Vasari Disruptor Nanites duration reduced to 30 seconds (at the longest)
A change I can support. 5 minutes of no regeneration because of 1 missile platform with tier 2 research hitting a target just once, cripples cap ships and titans massively for almost no investment.
Acceleration-deceleration and turn rates for all fighters significantly improved; maximum speed slightly improved significantly improved; maximum speed slightly improved
Bad change. Fighters are already vastly superior to bombers, buffing them is a really shit idea.
I realize that there are other issues to be dealt with (such as the Kol, the Radiance, and the Revelation being unusable)
In short, they're crappy ships that each only have one situational redeeming quality.
Really? Unusable? Crappy ships? Bold statement. Kol, radiance, and revelation aren't supposed to be caps that do a lot of damage or have a lot of useful abilites. Kol and Rad are called battleships because they just don't die in battle. You want a cap that does massive damage, has a shitton of useful abilities, sick hp, and is good at everything it does? Really? The first 2 caps do 1 thing well (situational redeeming quality, nice joke), and do that one thing extremly well: they are the best at it: Killing strikecraft, and Disabling ships. The revelation is good at for cuntton of things.
Kol: This cap ship is purely and entirely meant to kill strikecraft. Its stats support this. It is the highest effective health cap ship in the game, so it can't get focused quicly by a swarm of strikecraft, like say 50 bomber squadrons. At level 1, it only has to use its ability 3-4 times to kill TEC and advent bomber swarms. Really? A cap ship that at level 1 can solo 50 bomber squadrons with a sick AOE ability? (Granted it has full antimatter and hp and is next to a repair bay). Its second ability does sick damage against caps and titans when there are no strikecraft around, and its third ability can be used to make this cunt of a ship even more resilient against fleets and strikecraft, especially Vasari bombers. Its level 6 ability gives it HP regen, antimatter regen and AOE damage, meaning it can solo 100 corvettes, and does sick damage against anything but heavy cruisers. Unusable? Really? Worst statement of the thread.
Please upload a replay of the kol being used effectively... I bet you can't even find one.
What I just said wasn't true, this is actually the worst statement of this thread. Go scuttle your homeworld bro (lel). I cba to shift trough my replays because this statement is a joke, but I can guarantee you that strikecraft become a laugh whenever you pull out a Kol.
Radiance: This cap ship is just like the Kol a cap ship with extreme amounts of hp. An ability that gives extra armor and turns damage against it into antimatter? Really? 15 armor without armor research when you get level 7 or so? This motherfucker has more effective hp than a level 1 titan when it gets over level 6. Speaking of level 6, An AOE damage ability that roasts fleets? It's only slightly worse than the Marza's ability. And I haven't even talked about the actual purpose of this fucker. To disable caps and titans and starbases. That's rite. Level 5 Eridica titan? top lel, I have a lvl 3 radiance, your titan can't do shit on its own. Level 6 marza? I lol'd hard, your Marza can't use MB. level 10 progenitor veruss level 1 Radiance? Joke's on you, no malice or shield restore. Meteor storm on your starbase? Nope. Red button? Nope. Get the picture? Radiance doesn't do massive damage because, it has shittons of HP and disables big targets. Unusable? Second worst statement of the thread.
Revelation: Unlike the previous cap ships this cap ship actually is one of the lowest HP cap ships in the game. This is however well compensated by the fact that it has a very decent frontal damage output, has the fucking ability to disable an enemy cap ship for 20 fucking seconds at level 1 meaning no cap ship would ever escape if you play right. Best disable in the game. This noobstomper also has an AOE cooldown reduction ability. An AOE cooldown reduction ability. AOE. Cooldown. Reduction. Ability. when this ability is level 4, this fucker decreases cooldown by like 40% for like 35 seconds, every 50 seconds. That's right. Thought Eridica is OP? Try fighting against an Eridica with this guy next to it, or against a cap ship fleet with a high level revelation in it. Oh, and free scouting, instantly, for a 90 second duration, anywhere on the map, anytime. Really? Unusable? Oh, and its ultimate. 40% damage in 40 seconds. Wow, what the fuck. your planet has 6k hp? 40 seconds later it's 3k hp. At level 6 it takes this guy 220 seconds to kill ANY planet, regardless of planet hp. 220 seconds. You realise how short this is? 3 and a half minute. That's how long it takes A halcyon to kill a roid. The only reason I don't start with this cap ship as Advent is because the progenitor is the most OP cap ship in the game, doing massive damage with Malice, has an uncapped AOE healing ability and it can colonize planets. That ship needs to be nerfed so I can use other ships. Fucking shit, if you nerfed the progenitor, all you would see is Radiances and Revelations, as well as the occasional Halcyon.
As for not providing new toys and improvements I call bullshit. Ironclad and Stardock have constantly provided excellent support, new content, fixes and updates for the Sins series since 2008. I can count the number of game companies that do that as well as we do on one hand. Just because our priorities of what needs fixing or updating or our evaluation of the complexity and cost of those fixes doesn't fit into your view of how things should be doesn't mean we "don't give a shit". I think our track record shows the opposite is true.
Anyways, its ironic to see this as Yarlen and myself have been planning out the next set of Rebellion fixes, updates and content over the last couple days. And this is addition to stuff that is already in development or has already been completed and hasn't been released yet. (As Yarlen pointed out, #2 is already done.)
Legit. This is what I like to hear. I have one bug to report with the map maker though. I got the DLC, and I made a map with DLC planets in it, but when I try to launch it in MP, it says I need DLC. Then when I remove the DLC planets from the map, it'll launch, and the random planets on the map can become DLC planets. Strange.
Nobodys knows if improving fighters speed and agility will help them to do better against bombers so giving them much more damage against bombers only may be a very good idea, too.
For balancing reasons 100 fighers should decimate 100 bomber wings before those 100 bomber wings can do much damage:
Maybe it would help if bomber would rebuild significantly slower?
My tests show that fighters only decimate the numbers of bombers after the bomber carrier have run out of AM..... by the time this is happening all if your important ships are long dead.
A slower build rate for bombers would probably help alot on this account.
The last thing we need is to nerf bombers.
For balancing reasons 100 fighers should decimate 100 bomber wings before those 100 bomber wings can do much damage:
It takes 100 bomber squadrons a a lot of runs to kill a starbase, or a titan (provided its not level 1). They will kill weak cap ships in about 3 runs. 100 bomber squadrons, when all killed, will make a level 1 titan instantly level 4. Really? You want to implement a change that can make a level 1 titan level 4 instantly? (Red button does this, lel) Losing one cap ship to get the xp from 100 bomber squadrons is totally worth it anyway. Besides, you're a fool if you just leave your cap ships about to be destroyed when you know the enemy has 100 bomber squadrons. You know, 50 fighters counter 100 bombers easily. If you have anywhere near halfway decent micro you won't lose a thing.
Ok, rant over. Sorry. I never frequent these forums, but sometimes curiosity gets the best of me, and then I see dumb suggestions and ignorant posts, and I have to cure the ignorance.
Oh, and in case you're like: "Who the fuck is this guy telling me what to do I'll bang him up". I'm Grimm. Yeah, Grimm. You know, the guy nobody can beat online, except for Doci? Yeah, that's me. You think you know this game better than me? 1v1 me m8. Not one of you forum dwellers can beat me.I've got the best lategame around, because I actually know the strengths of the cap ships. The cap ships like Kol that are good for 1 specific task are the best cap ships in the game, because nothing is as good at the task of killing strike craft like the Kol.
Altough brave sins players, worry not. I'm working on a guide to help cure the ignorance that's festering in this forum. This way, whenever somebody makes another shit balance suggestion, just point them to my guide. Its halfway done now, I'll make a post on this forum when its done.