Hi guys
just bought FE Legendary Heroes expansion and love it so far . Playing the 1.30 beta on steam
Now my question is:
I also bought the Quest Pack DLC.
1) First thing I noticed is that at the "New Content" button at the left corner of the main screen offers 2 DLC's stating "buy it" (Steam button) altough i have already bought it,
2) Clicking on the dlc leads to the message "you already bought it"
Fine, now how can i check if it is actually ACTIVE in my current game? I don't recognice much of a difference compared to FE.
1) the DLC speaks of "religion", "cults" etc = never met one yet?
2) Quest variety: didn't get one quest besides the quests you can visit on the map. Those seemed to be the standard ones I already know from FE.
So to sum it up:
1) How can i check whether or not the Quest Pack DLC is active in my current game?
2) If it is not, how can i activate it?
Last additional questions:
I) The map pack, is it worth it? Ilike to play huge maps, so the giant map could be interesting. What's so special about it apart being huge?
II) Still encounter a bug that the city orders and movement signs disappear after a while. A restart of the game lets them reappear, but this bug was already in FE, wonder why it is still present in FE LE? Is there a way to prevent this from happen?
III) Caravans: i need to manually move my caravan around? Don't know what I ave to do once it reaches the first enemy city I trade with. Send it back? How can I automate it?
[SOLVED, thank you, JohnnyDC!: it is part of the unit cycle, so if you use "u" to select the next unit, the caravan also applies. Just send it back and forth between 2 cities and the road will grow.]
Thanks guys, a quick answer would be very appreciated, your lovely Julia has holidays today