Depending on the brand of laptop that you bought, you will probably have some custom branded apps, and programs from the mfg. that take up unwanted space, but you should still have a fair amount of space to load programs on the SSD. with a 120gb ssd you should have about 110 of usable space , less the OS & Prgrams from the mfg.
Usually on a OEM load is about 35-45 gb so that would leave you with say 65-70 gb of free space , you want to leave yourself with at least 20-25 gb of free space - so that really leaves about 45-50 gb for extra programs .
also most mfg that ship a dual drive SSD with a second drive will ( I hope) have redirected your documents, music, and pictures folders to the larger drive. If not you can do this yourself , by right clicking on say your documents folder , and selecting properties, and then the location tab , that will show you the real location of the folder.
example C:\Users\XXX\Documents, ( XXX= your user name ) . Given the larger drive letter is say D:\ , if they are already redirected the folder then it would look like : D:\users\XXX\documents
if they have not done it for you , you just need to edit the location drive letter , and click apply .
If you have alot of music , pictures , and docs - you will want to do this so everything in those folders are save to the Large drive , and not your SSD.
Just a suggestion