To everybody: thanks for the contributions.
To address specific comments...
I'm aware that the Halcyon already passively buffs weapons. I added weapon cooldowns to Guidance, in addition to bombardment cooldowns, for several reasons:
- A bonus to bombardment cooldowns simply didn't feel like enough -- you'd have to have a large fleet to truly see any benefit
- The Halcyon's aura only effects energy weapons; this one effects ALL cooldowns -- abilities, weapons, bombardment, everything.
- I hoped that the difference between the steady buff provided by the passive aura of the Halcyon and the more situational, "bursty" nature of Concentration would be sufficient to differentiate the two
You are, I think, absolutely right that the buff to the Radiance's shield mitigation, as originally suggested, was WAY too much. Here is my thought process:
- The Rapture needs some way to compensate for incoming damage (it has a taunt, for the Unity's sake!); this buff needs to be baked into Energy Absorptive Armor, because none of the other abilities provides a justification for a defensive boost; in keeping with the theme of Energy Absorptive Armor, it should be something that charges up over time -- and shield mitigation is an existing defensive mechanic that charges up over time, but it currently isn't sufficient to protect the Radiance. Ergo, Energy Absorptive Armor should increase the shield mitigation cap.
- Standard shield mitigation hovers at around 57% when maxed out
- Advent abilities add another 10%, more or less, but I was too lazy to check the numbers
- 67%+20% = 87%, which means, basically, that a Radiance under fire would be taking only 13% damage; to me, that seemed enough to justify the fact that a Radiance would have to take enough fire to get there in the first place
That said, I would like to reiterate that you're probably right: 13% is too little damage.
What do you think would be a balanced number by which to increase its maximum shield mitigation via Energy-Absorptive Armor? For the moment, I've modified the suggestion to improve shield mitigation by 2.5-5-7.5-10%.
What say you?
On the subject of Subversion, I actually originally considered your idea (shutting down defensive structures), but then I realized that you're still falling into the trap occupied by the current version of the ability.
To wit: currently, Subversion only works under two conditions:
- The Antorak Marauder is in the gravity well
- There is ship or orbital construction project going on in the gravity well
Those are VERY limited circumstances under which the ability is effective, and it doesn't provide all that much benefit to begin with!
Your suggestion has the same problem: it is only effective under two circumstances:
- There are defensive structures in the gravity well (which aren't usually built in competitive play because players can simply go around them -- space is deep, after all)
- These defensive structures are unavoidable and cannot simply be overwhelmed with firepower
Ultimately, it doesn't provide that much benefit.
I made the suggestion I made because it seemed very "Vasari" -- they already have means of detecting and interfering with phase jumps; this would fit very well with the Marauder's subversive nature.
That said, I will modify the above post, however, to suggest an alternative to my original proposition: that Subversion instead completely shuts down all ship production, building production, and planet upgrades for a period of 30-60-90-120 seconds.
I disagree with your assertion that my suggestions for a passive Adaptive Forcefield are too much. If you look at the math, you will notice that Adaptive Forcefield, in its current incarnation can already provide 40% protection constantly (antimatter costs excepted); only at level 1 and 2 can it not provide the listed protection at all times, and I have brought those amounts down to compensate.
Also, with regard to my proposal to Subversion, note that the very first bullet point after the proposal indicates that it should apply a "Heightened Security" buff that specifically prevents chaining Subversion on the target planet.
On the subject of a cooldown for the damage buff I suggested: I originally proposed a one minute cooldown because, if I recall correctly, the Vasari Rebel ability Phasic Strike (which provides a temporary damage boost to units upon phasing into the gravity well) has a one-minute cooldown. I envision the two abilities in a similar light: both provide a temporary but significant damage boost, with time to maneuver between uses. In the case of the Radiance, this is for one ship, stacking in intensity over time; in the case of the Vasari, this is for a whole fleet.
Thanks again for your comments!