[ Graphics ]
Updated ship and structure rendering (specifically the shadowed and non-shadowed shaders).
Adjusted TEC and Vasari missile speeds/turn rate to be smoother (doesn't affect damage).[/quote]
Adjusted Anarchic Society planet bonus to no longer require exploration (Forbidden Worlds DLC).
Pirate Cutthroat base damage decreased from 60 to 45; weapon cooldown increased from 5.0 to 5.5.
Pirate Rogue base damage decreased from 40 to 35.
AntiMedium to Medium damage increased from 1.33333 to 1.5.
- Nice catch... you are bound to notice when you land...
- Good idea.
- Good idea.
- Very good idea! That should lessen the one combo spam.
Kol Gauss Blast ability updated: The Gauss Blast now bypasses Shields and directly damages the hull of the enemy ship. Antimatter cost reduced from 50/55/60/65 to 45/50/55/60; damage decreased from 400/670/940/1210 to 160/270/380/490.
Great idea: Now it is finally useful for something. Especially advent may find this a rather unpleasant surprise.
TEC Loyalists
Increased damage on Disruption Matrix (Titan) from 40/50/60/70 to 70/70/70/70.
TEC Rebels
Increased Refined Emitters from 1 level of research to 2.
- Excellent, a bit more reliable AOE damage can only benefit the Anklyon.
- Yes.... eradicate that alien scum^^
"All Titan Flak guns buffed"
More flak coverage is always good.
Corvettes should now be affected by Ruthlessness ability (Destra Crusader).
Psionic Scream (Discord Battleship) will now interrupt.
Radiance Battleship Energy Absorb ability updated: Armor bonus increased from 2.00/3.63/5.27/6.90 to 2.0/4.0/6.0/8.0.
Advent Rebels
Adjusted Reanimation research subject slightly to give the intended bonus.
- Excellent, that will make the Destras a bit more useful
- Excellent, the Radiance always seemed a bit on the fragile side for a battleship.
- Cool
Reworked Phasic Trap (Hangar Bays) in order to properly limit the number of affected strike craft.
Phasic Trap (Hangar Bays) will now affect 18/27 individual strike craft, increased from 10/20; duration updated from 45/60 to 45/45.
Disruptor Nanites (Phase Missile Turret) duration decreased from 600 to 60.
Vasari bomber strike craft damage decreased from 76.9 to 73.055.
Vasari Loyalists
Reworked The Maw ultimate ability on the Loyalist titan to properly limit the number of destroyed enemy frigates as intended.
- FANTASTIC. Vasari defense should be a bit less invincible after that.
- THANK YOU VERY MUCH. LONG TIME NEEDED NERF! Now destroying the turrets may actually matter. And you can retreat your fleet without being at a severe disadvantage for 5 minutes.
- Thats a 5 % reduction in firepower..... most certainly a step into the right direction. Thank you very much!
Modding ]
Stellar Phenomena DLC: Added new Random Event system.
Stellar Phenomena DLC: Added AI logic for random spawned attackers.
Stellar Phenomena DLC: Added new buffInstantAction type (ChangePlayerIndexToNeutral).
[ Misc ]
String improvements for Starbase Mobilization description.
Fix for the game thinking a user doesn't own the Forbidden Worlds DLC in multiplayer when they do.
Removed Roiders Outpost planet bonus from appearing on Dead Asteroids.
Various string updates for changed abilities.
I can only imagine what modders can do with those. Awesome work!
Yes, great, less confused Vasari Rebel players.
Nice job
[quote who="Blair Fraser" reply="4" id="3415133"]
Roiders is the correct term. There are a few subtle references to them throughout everything ever released for Sins of a Solar Empire. Expect to see the important role they play in the Sins Universe sometime in the future.