I will give you the benefit of the doubt about the models. I give blanket permissions to use models made by me. Basically anyone can use my work as long as i receive credit for that work. Many other authors like Rick Knox also use blanket permissions. I see, and recognize names on the credit list. So that seems pretty legit. I have done the same for SoA 2, and i also sought out, and received the blessings of many 3rd party model authors too. I see you guys are awaiting permissions as well. So i jumped to a conclusion too soon, and i apologize.
Forgive me if i do not recall your dev team specifically seeking me out for models. Many do, and i cant keep track of everyone. Then again with blanket permission there is no need to keep track. My models are pretty dated (late 90's early 2000's), and there is much better work out there now.
However i would like to see where CBS/Paramount gave you the blessings. I seriously doubt they would "just do that". When we were modding Starfleet Command they laid the hammer down on all of the modders the first time someone tried to "sell" their models.