My opinions, take them as you will...
Taken and appreciated.
Flak burst, use option need for a debuff, the only issue with flak burst is that it is hard to dependably hit a lot of SC while microing...if the ability fires in waves, that will be more than enough to make this ability excellent even with only a single kol...
TK Push -- I use a 2.5s delay between waves for both flak burst and TK push, with 2/3/4/5 waves at levels 1/2/3/4...having the waves too close defeats the entire point, which is to affect large amounts of SC....
I wanted (at least at this early stage) to try not to modify these abilities to function too differently from their original counterparts. The idea behind 6 waves in 3s with only one application per SC is to give you a 2.5s micromanagement tolerance, so you simulate what would happen if you did micro the ability well. Having multiple widely-spaced waves means you can hit SCs more than once with a single cast of the ability (or put another way, it would be a bit like having the vanilla ability with a cooldown of 2.5s and proportionately reduced AM cost), which would require value balancing to compensate. It also means that you by default make the ability cooldown >5/7.5/10/12.5s, which is longer at L3 and 4 than the standard cooldowns. As a compromise, I could elongate the casting period: how many seconds do you think would be needed to hit most of a large non-microed/bunched up alpha strike?
Animosity -- the issue is the range and the target cap, you need to focus on those and not finding interesting debuffs...
LOL. But interesting debuffs are interesting. That said, surely the consensus is that the Radiance needs some aid to help it tank. As you did say, "Even if the radiance could guarantee that ALL enemies in the ENTIRE gravity well would attack it INDEFINITELY (ie no AM or cooldown considerations), the Radiance sucks at tanking..."
the ability needs to be effective at it's core element, which is drawing fire....none of the suggested changes do this to any degree...
Is the target cap a problem? At present, 8/18/27/37 accounts for something like 32-96/72-216/108-324/148-444 fleet supply of frigates (supply range 4-12), which surely is quite a fraction of even a large force. I agree the range is rubbish, though. How does 4500/6500/8500/10500 sound (=LFs and HFs/Cap Ships/SBs and defenses/Titans and LRs)?
if you do go with the DR options, those values are extreme....this is an AOE, and those DR penalties are better than designate target (single target, must face target) or volatile nanites (ultimate cap ability) would be comparable to missile barrage being a non-ultimate ability...
Heh. That's true about the damage reduction. Perhaps it's not such a great idea after all. But the damage output values don't sound too bad, right? The Radiance under fire from taunted units will last 14.2%/28.6%/42.8%/57.1% longer assuming there are no other units focus-firing it.
Clairvoyance -- the mine revealing has been discussed in the past, and was deemed to OP against also is the type of attribute that doesn't scale well as the ability levels since it is all or nothing...AL already can capture mines, and AR are still the 2nd best faction for dealing with Orky thing you may want to consider is simply making the planet more susceptible to bombing damage (it's like DR but technically a different entity modifier)...
I'll deprecate the mine revealing idea, and I can add an option to increase bombing damage.
Martyrdom...but you aren't going to be very successful with autocast only triggering at 1% HP...
Heh. I facepalmed when I saw my stupid error. I was reading "AutocastWhenDamageTakenExceedsPerc 0.01" but posted the converse. It's fixed, though. I thought this option would provide an intermediate function, allowing your scouts to engage the enemy (200 of them, say, do have quite a bit of firepower) but still be able to have a good chance at suiciding without micro when they run out of shields.
...what I would suggest is leave it at 100% hull and turn off autocast by default...
...with the proper autocast settings you can get unlimited seekers to hit a target at will, no damage or further microing needed
...I have done this in the past and the only further balancing needed was finding the appropriate damage value to justify the cost of the seeker...
I think Revenge From Beyond would help give you more bang for your buck (700/900 per scout, which equals 3.5/4.5d per credit = 38/48 shots from a Destra Crusader) which seems to me quite reasonable against a high-value target such as a SB or a Titan if it's not protected by a really large fleet. I'll add an option with instant autocast, though.
Distort Gravity ...remove the micro and it is much more viable...I would make it easier to use first before buffing the actual stats....
Very true. I was admittedly putting lots of effort into practising the micro required to make the AM restore while I tested the mod, which obviously made me lose sight of the actual practicality. I'll change the two existing options to be more like Jam Weapons by removing the out-of-range finish condition (all ships that move into range get the buff, but it only ends at the same time as the Marauder) and add an unbuffed option affecting the grav well.
Subversion -- I've tried a few things in the past, but the changes that most please me are as follows...first, it is fire and forget (just like embargo) can do this be either making the range really far (so it can always target the planet) or by simply applying a buff directly to the well (like embargo does)...
I guess the 5000 range for subversion was chosen to be the same as other planet abilities and siege Cap Ship bombing range. I think it should still target the planet (there are entry vehicles after all), but 20000 range would probably do it.
As for Adaptive Forcefield, I used to favor making it passive, but I am against that now...GRG is much more useful now that kol spam is viable for late game and you are depending more on caps/titans for firepower...additionally, you are already buffing flak burst...what I would suggest is simply make the duration match the cooldown at all levels...this will work wonders for making this ability useful at all levels, not just level 4...
Fair enough. I'll see if anyone else has stuff to add, and add an option for it.
The scout ability only channels while the scout is taking damage...problem is, you can't take damage while in phase instead the scout toggles in and out of phase space, getting itself killed anyway...ability needs to keep it in phase space for a good amount of time...might be one of those you leave the autocast off by default, since only humans will use it intelligently...
Will take a look at it.
Then there is phasic barrier...that ability just needs to stop forcing the attackers to makes attacking Vasari structures impossible without micro management...
I think target shifting into phase space has quite a few functions, one of which appears to be forcing attackers to repick their targets. I'm not sure this can be completely fixed without removing the phase space function (it would then allow structures to be affected by abilities), but perhaps we could mitigate it by altering the ability so you can't toggle it. Instead, you could only activate it once every time period, say 30s, when the buff expires.