This may seem strange, but yesterday was the first time I had re-seen Star Wars (the original, I mean, with Mark Hamill, SIR Alec Guiness, etc.) in about 20 years. I had purchased a 3-DVD set on amazon (this one: ) because I felt my 8-year old son was old enough to watch it, and that it was time. Well, you can imagine my excitement when his little friend Marc came over for a sleepover, I made popcorn, and we fired up Star Wars, something I had been telling my boy about for a month or so.
I thought I was hallucinating, and I am no longer sure if my memory serves me, but I could swear that this DVD has been corrupted, and an additional scene has been added, one I cannot remember ever having seen before. Namely this one: immediately before boarding the Millenium Falcon at Mos Eisley Spaceport, and directly after having killed Greedo, Han Solo has a brief encounter with Jabba the Hutt, in which they chat -- the scene can't be longer than 2 minutes. I cannot remember having seen this at all. The scene also seems entirely incongruous, including a goofy Solo speaking to an entirely animated Jabba.
My main question is thus this: am I hallucinating? Has this scene always been in the movie and I just don't remember it?
A secondary question would be: If not, why and how was it added? I mean, the DVD makes no reference to a horrible new edition with extra bogus scenes. Shouldn't it? Is there any way of getting rid of it? Is this an old issue, and I somehow missed it?